Remove Cat Urine odor and stains from your carpet quickly and inexpensively

It can be stressful and time intensive looking for ways on how to get cat urine smell out of carpet. Odor in a home that i have been in have literally brought tears in my eyes! Not to mention leaves an ugly stain.

Plus it can be a really big pain that requires you to spend money and buy different cleaning products you don't have any idea if it will work.

After learning what works and what does not work in my own pet service business for many years, this is what I do for cheap, but successfully, to get rid of cat urine smell plus stains from my personal clients.

It is so simple and easy and requires only two or three steps to accomplish.

Clean up the new Cat Urine stains out of carpet

Step 1-for all new stains on your carpet, you first need to absorb as much of the urine as you possibly can use newspapers or paper towels. Press straight down on them in order to get rid of as much liquid as possible.

Make sure that you place the paper towel or newspaper under the carpeting in the event that the urine has soaked into the carpet padding.

Use as much as newspapers or paper towels as required so that the stain is barely moist.

Step 2-start using clean water to clean the place. Perform the procedure again until the stains disappear. Fast and easy!

Step 3-(you can use this last step if you want certain all traces of cat urine is gone)-use an enzyme cleaner, which is a product that will literally eat all odor producing bacteria, on area. This will make certain all eliminated cat urine residue left on the site. The smell will be removed by this process. You can find and buy an enzyme cleaner at most local retail stores or on the internet.

Clean up the dried Cat Urine marks within your carpets

It requires a little more work to successfully eliminate the earlier trade marks that are sometimes put in. you need to get them out as your pet-companion possesses a remarkable sense of smell and may want to go to the bathroom at the same spot several times if it can smell their urine.

Step 1-use a carpet cleaning machine, remove all chemical products as well as detergents that you may have used to remove stains before on the carpet.

Only use clean water inside the carpet cleaning machine due to the fact that any kind of chemical products can reduce the possibility of enzymatic cleaner (you will use next) to get rid of the stain.

Avoid the use of too much water on the stain, simply because you do not want to increase the risk of the stain goes into the padding under the carpet!

Step 2-clean the spot with an enzymatic product until the stain is no longer visible.

Step 3-when the cat urine stains have been removed, use a black light flashlight to guarantee every last bit of cat urine is completely gone. Black light makes all indications of urine is a purple color. It is amazing what this little device can show you that your naked eye can not see!

If you discover any traces of urine left behind, new application cleaning solution to remove it.

By getting rid of every single cat urine spot, and above all the smells of carpet, you'll significantly reduce the possibility that your cat urinate directly onto the same places for the second time.

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