Natural Strategies To Handle Feline Constipation

The thought of feline constipation was not merely one that I had have you ever heard of until we received a cat that experienced it almost 24 months ago. Initially we thought he was having trouble urinating. He would go in to his litter box at all hours without going to bathroom.

Our veterinarian told people that feline constipation is really fairly common, but that is certainly misdiagnosed many times by means of cat owners since urinary problems are far more common and talked about over feline constipation problems.

Feline constipation is more regular in cats that are 8 years of age and older, but cats and kittens of any age may experience feline constipation. The typically bowel movement schedule for cats is one or two bowel movements every day time. Some cats go about than this.

However, can be a cat has not received a bowel movement in three or higher days it can show a feline constipation issue. It can cause serious injury to a cat experiencing feline constipation or else treatment is done in order to cure the constipation. Both medical and natural options can be purchased to treat feline constipation.

We found a simple cure for our kitty by mixing canned pumpkin (high in fiber) along with his food and he was regular within a day. We also stopped providing him dry cat food for awhile considering that the water in wet cat food may help for cats experiencing feline constipation.

Set up water gas stops throughout your house so your cat can conveniently get to water. We found that will putting water in his favorite spots, such because sunny, bay window, worked well best. We also researched herbal treatments for feline constipation, but he would not have to take any because he improved with those few basic changes.

cat constipation

It is imperative you get your pet help for feline constipation as soon as he begins to experience it to keep him healthy. Ask your veterinarian for ideas how to alleviate feline constipation.

Should you prefer natural remedies, there are natural cures for feline constipation that one could try to help manage his bowel movements and eradicate his feline constipation.

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