Är katter Smart eller dum?

Love them or hate them cats are just hard to ignore. I love cats, but I've often wondered about how smart they really are? Therefore, I have collected some videos of cats and their reactions to things! So you be the judge and let us know what you think!

Over the years, I have read, or heard so many different things about our friends are smart or clever, and now I have a few words for you parents. Most would probably say that cats are not clever because, unlike dogs, they are not obedient, won't do tricks and usually come when they are called. But that's not a reason to call them stupid, as cats only do things when they want to.

Yep, it's that with cats! They seem to do what they want and when they want. So if we love them enough and treat them right, maybe then they will be more willing to cooperate with us.

Anyway here are some videos of cats makes "smart things" and not as "smart things".

Meet a white cat who goes nuts after seeing his reflection in the mirror! This kitten is so popular at the time that during the past few days received more than 500,000 views on Internet! It seems to me that the angry white kitty has an imaginary conversation with his white, fluffy enemy. And judging by the sound that it seems like they have a pretty tense conversation.

Anyway, it would be better for you to avoid contact with the white crazy cat that one can only imagine what would happen if the cat gets mad at you! Yep, it's that serious! Or this kitten here. Now, this is a very enjoyable situation! This cat will become totally confused after a dog shows on the screen while his owner playing video game "Assassin's Creed" 3.

At first the cat seems so calm and peaceful while its owners are playing Assassin's Creed, but it will cease as soon as it sees the dogs on the screen! It flips out and starts to search dogs behind the TV screen because they will pop up and then they go off the screen! But unfortunately for the cat, there is no dog that is behind the large TV screen! And that goes on and on.

Yet, just like people, some cats are smart, some are not!

Emilija S PhotoHi, guys! I Frederick, bloggers to help you keep up with the latest happenings in the world of entertainment. It's a funny video, picture or meme virus-Nik in the section I here to blog about the most trending topics right now. My humble beginnings in creative writing lead back to high school (when I was some sort of wants to be the author), but the real introduction to creative writing and writing style that I got in college. Then, after four years of studies in English language and literature (from Chaucer to Shakespeare), from Virginia Woolf to George Orwell, I finally had a chance to express myself and blog. It's been a year and a half how I treat Jokeroo blog readers to some informative, witty and humorous articles. It is undenying the truth that I'm young in both age and craft, but certainly I have the enthusiasm of a child when it comes to blogging, everything for your entertainment. Rate this article

Cats are Smart or stupid?Not rated yet

Emilija's has published 7 articles. Article written 13 November 2012. Word count: 397

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