Pussy Cat Furniture

kittens are wonderful furry friends but there are a few essential things you should become aware of about keeping them indoors. One good tip to consider is purchasing your feline their own personal cat furniture because cats tend to be territorial and always like to dig claws into stuff especially house furniture. Below you will find all the details about cat furniture.

What Kind of Cat Furniture is Ideal...

Cat Condos are just like a play area where they'll be able to play and have a good healthy scratch. This type of furniture is typically made of sturdy solid wood interiors with large bases to prevent it from toppling over. Cat furniture lined with house hold carpets should be avoided because they may easily injure your kittens claws, to prevent any future harm to kittens claws it is suggested to look for faux fur covered trees. For additional reinforcement a lot of pet owners place them on a wall to make sure it won't fall over when kittens climb on it.

Who are they for?

Cat towers are good for all types of felines especially if they spend most of their lifetime in the house, cat furniture will improve their mojo and help them with captivity stresses. They are fantastic for creating an inside play area for both adult cats and kittens.

Why Would someone Consider Cat Furniture?

Firstly pussycats are famous for being territorial creatures who like to rule their very own space. They prefer having their very own place that they can retreat into when they feel anxious, cat furniture helps stop them form adventuring in places they are'nt supposed to go to like your recliner, bed, or table tops.

What are the Great things about Cat Furniture...?

Cats will only scratch on the scratching posts on his or her furniture. Investing in cat furniture can help you train your cat to scratch the scratching posts and protect your walls, doors, carpets, Sofas and the legs on chairs and tables. They will be able to exercise even while indoors without damaging other pieces inside your home. The sisal scratching posts helps to attract cats because they are made from the sisal plant that is actually known to encourage feline behavior such as scratching and scent marking. The ledges may prove to be a popular sleeping place when the model you buy has a cozy enclosed bedroom. Some Kitten's enjoy their cat trees so much, you may even find them taking a nap in their little bedrooms!

Where Can I Find Cat Furniture?

They can be found in your local pet stores however they are widely available online for lower prices. Today there are so many styles and shapes that you won't have a problem finding the perfect one that will suit you and your furry friend. Shopping online for cat furniture is convenient because you'll have a better choice to choose from and some online stores will ship them straight out to your door free of charge.

Five Tips for Selecting the Best Cat Tree

One of the excellent ways to satisfy your cat's curiosity and keep in shape is to make her use a tree. Since there are many such trees offered in the marketplace, you should spend enough time in knowing few things before purchasing one for your beloved pet. Many pets need enough amount of stimulation so as to prevent them from getting bored, and trees are definitely one among best furniture that will keep your active through the day. But before making decision which is best for your feline friend you should consider some things.

Safety Matters a Lot!

It should be the very first thing that you need to consider, when shopping for a tree. Not only should you provide safety for your cat, but also for you or anyone who comes close to that tree. owner should know what their cats can do, and if there are risky areas in your home, the pets are going to explore it for sure.

The manufacturer is responsible for making a well-constructed tree, but the owners are equally responsible for making good judgment in terms of selection. Ensure that the design of the does not compromise on safety. Some of them could be made of cheap materials and could collapse under the weight of your pet. You may also want to buy a tree, which will not trip over when your takes a flying leap, lands on side or top of the tree. The lighter and smaller trees are not the best option if you have big or heavy cats at home. Check the stability of the before making the purchase. Some of the manufacturers use toxic chemicals, glues, and dyes in the making process, and it is strictly not recommended to go for such ones.


Ensure that the kitty you intend to buy is accessible to your or kitty. Cats should be able to climb the in all kinds of situations. You pets many be overweight, old, have health problems, or declawed. If you've bigger cats, take trees that can accommodate properly. The cats should be able to get down or up the very easily.


Some of the trees at local stores are made with cheap materials, so stability should always be checked. Many use cardboard as the main support, which is not that safe, especially when the is climbing the tree.

Don't Overlook the Visual Appeal

The not only should appeal to your pet, but it should also be great addition to your home decors. If you've spent $2000 on a new sofa or furniture, you wouldn't of course want to see ugly placed in the middle of living room. So, make it a point to pick something that complements your furniture, design, and style of the room.


It is not about buying some cheap or expensive kitty tree, but purchasing something that offers great value for money. Have some budget in your mind and buy a that will satisfy both you and your cat.

Keeping all these things in mind, now you can choose a secure, well-balanced, and stable tree, and keep your pets happy.

How an Effective Flea Prevention For Cats Work?

Frontline Plus for cats

Frontline Plus is very effective flea prevention for cats. It is used to kill fleas in all its stages and works against killing ticks. There are different varieties of fleas and each one of them is prevalent more in certain regions. It is difficult to identify the type of dog fleas by a pet owner but with an effective medication like frontline Plus, one does not have to worry for his pets.

Frontline Plus is the flea prevention for cats is helpful in killing the entire family f fleas as well as ticks. In just 24 hours of application, frontline Plus will effectively kill all fleas and ticks. As a result, the pet gets instant relief from itching and scratching. This medication gives immediate result.

Frontline Plus has two powerful ingredients; one of them is fipronil which kills the adult fleas and ticks by attacking their central nervous system. This makes the fleas, ticks disable, and they are not able to move. The application of the medication prevents the ticks from jumping and thus they do not infect other places. The other ingredient present in the flea prevention for cats is S-Methoprene. This ingredient kills eggs and larva of all types of fleas. When these two ingredients mix, it provides an all-round effect in killing these tiny pests.

This flea prevention for cats is a powerful medication and comes with an instruction to apply it in the right manner. It is very essential to apply this medication properly else, it will not show the desired result. One has to part the dog's fur with fingers after taking the medication on the tip of the finger. Then apply the medication on the dog's skin and not on the fur. One has to wait for three days before grooming the pet.

Some precautions while using flea prevention for cats

Kids must not be allowed to touch the medication; they must not apply it on the pet.After applying the medication, make sure that the pet is made to worn veterinary cone. This is done so that the pet is not able to lick itself.

Wash the hands properly after applying this flea prevention for cats.

It is mostly found that people across the globe prefer Frontline Plus for Cats to kill fleas and ticks. Visit out website to know more about Generic frontline plus and other pet related information. HTML Source EditorWord Wrap

Are You Ready to Have a New Cat?

Sometimes the cat appears in your house unexpectedly. You meet a homeless kitten on the street, feel sorry for it, and bring it to your home. Or someone you know, for some reason needs to get rid of the cat, and it finds itself under the threat of living on a street or in a shelter, and you take the cat out of sympathy for the animal. You know that you do the right thing, and this is indeed true. But you bring the cat home and realize that both of you have to overcome a long period of adjustment and getting used to each other. And here you have to show patience and love, because the cat may feel frustrated, anxious, or on the contrary, it could be depressed because of new home, new environment, changes in nutrition, home-sickness, and many other things. And in this case only time, understanding and caring will help you to get along and become friends with your pet. Lovely kitten Well, what if the decision to take the cat to the house is not spontaneous? You have to make a balanced decision, the acceptance of which should involve all members of the family. Choosing a cat essentially depends on the purpose for which you need it. If you are single and need a companion, you should choose a breed that fits your temperament, so you are never bored with each other, or vice versa, so that the cat does not annoy you by excessive activity if you like peace and order. Or maybe you want to demonstrate your pet at shows? Then thought should be given to which breed, in your opinion, is the most presentable, who will teach the cat to the exhibition process. You may need the services of a professional trainer or breeder. Well and if you want to devote yourself to a thoroughbred breeding, you need a lot of knowledge in the field of selection and training of cats, and you will need to work closely with your veterinarian to prevent problems. Think it over, who will take the main care of a cat. The animal needs a balanced diet, rest, walks, trips to the vet, etc. And it's better if all of this will be controlled by one member of the family. If you entrust your child with care of a cat, you should still monitor how comfortable the animal feels, how timely is feeding and cleaning. When the child begins to have other interests, promptly take care of the pet yourself. Consider also what the conditions of life you can offer to your cat and seek advice from breeders. Some active cats require space for games and hunting, while calm cats, such as phlegmatic long-haired breeds can feel great in a small apartment. If you already have pets in the house, make sure that the new cat is not terrorized by the dog, that a war for territory is not started with another cat already living with your, that new cat does not diversify its menu by your budgie, hamster or goldfish. Of course, you should calculate your financial ability to support a cat, because it includes not only high-quality feeding but also the care items, the cost of the veterinarian, participation in exhibitions and sometimes spoiled furniture and other expenses. And if you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma, you have to give up the idea of having a cat. Rate this Article

Are You Ready to Have a New Cat?Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Andrew Dar has published 2 articles. Article submitted on March 04, 2013. Word count: 573

Are you prepared to compromise the health of your cat by remaining blissfully unaware of the ingredients in her food? Are you going to continue to feed her as before, and cross your fingers she'll not get sick and die? Perhaps you're looking for a wellness cat food which you can rely on?

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cat food recipes online provide recipes baking cat treats, homemade cat food and cat food recipes. We provide homemade pet food recipes for cat food recipes, cat nutrition and natural cat food recipes.

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Heated Cat Beds Help Outdoor Cats Survive Winter Temperatures

Cold temperatures can be difficult even for the healthiest of pets. Prolonged expose to the cold for a cat can result in frost bite, hypothermia, and possibly even death. Additionally, the stress on the body caused by prolonged exposure to the cold will reduces the life expectancy of a cat living in the outdoors. Some people are fooled into thinking that just because a cat has a thick fur coat they will be safe from the effect of prolonged cold temperatures. But their fur coat is simply not enough to keep them sufficiently warm during winter temperatures. The overall best practice is to just keep your cat inside during the winter. But, if the situation is such that the cat you are trying to protect is completely outside, here are a few suggestions and practices that will help.

Dry, warm shelter is paramount. If a human were left outside in the cold to survive for an extended period of time, one of the first things he would need to find in order to survive would be dry, warm shelter. The same is true for a cat trying to survive cold temperatures. Providing the cat full-time access to a garage, shed or barn is a great start. If this is not possible than providing an insulated cat house placed in a nook away from the weather elements is another good option. The house should be small in size, i.e., just large enough for perhaps two to three cats to go inside and turn around. The small size will help to conserve body heat. The house should also utilize insulation with a high R-value sandwiched in the walls, roof and floor. It is suggested that the interior seams of the house also be sealed so that moisture does not find its way in. The door of the house should be oriented away from the elements such as wind, rain, snow and sleet. A clear path should always be kept to avoid the cat becoming potentially snow bound.

But no matter the shelter that you choose to provide, the cat will also need to be supplied with ample bedding in order to stay warm. A thick bedding of cedar chips or straw can suffice. Blankets and towels are definitely not recommended since once they are wet; they become cold and very difficult to dry. The best option for outdoor shelter venues whether it is a garage, covered porch, barn, shed or cat house is an outdoor heated cat bed. These beds are made of soft PVC and do not absorb water, always providing comfortable warmth even in below freezing temperatures. They also use very low wattage and are efficient. A heated cat bed not only can give you some piece of mind, but it will become your kitty's favorite spot, knowing it will have warmth and comfort from those harsh winter temperatures. It will become their haven, their rescue from an inhospitable temperature environment.

Provide and maintain plenty of water. A constant supply of clean, unfrozen water is very important to minimize the risk of dehydration. . The water source should be protected from the elements or heated to prevent freezing. Low-wattage heated bowls work very well as a solution in making certain unfrozen water is always available. As a lower budget option, you can use spray foam insulation on the underside of a deep plastic water bowl. This will help slow the freezing process, but will not eliminate it. So make sure warm water is placed in the bowl regularly.

Provide plenty of food. As with any physically body, whether it is human or animal, high levels of calories are burned by the body in just keeping itself warm. So make sure an ample supply of nutritious food is provided. Cats that spend time outside simply need more to eat. Feeding on a regular schedule is also important. Your cat will come to expect the food and will be waiting for it; therefore the food will spend less time in the cold. Ideally, you can provide your cat with a simple feeding station that includes a roof and sides so that your cat will be protected from the elements while it dines.

Cats need protection from the dangers of winter temperatures. Of course, keeping your cat indoors is always the safest and most effective way to promote their good health. But if your cat is going to have prolonged exposure to the cold it is imperative to provide dry shelter and a constant source of warmth which is best provided by a heated pet bed. Keep in mind that if the weather is too cold for you to comfortably spend long period of time outside, then it is probably too cold for your cat as well.

Sandy Stone Photo To read more about this topic or several other pet care articles and blogs, go to Pet Crates and More . Looking for an indoor or outdoor heated pet bed, pet playpen, dog crate or other pet care items; visit the website of Pet Crates and More for some terrific products. With more than 20 years of management experience, Sandy Stone blended her passion for animals with her business acumen and started Pet Crates and More, a business offering products aimed at providing comfort for your pets. Rate this Article

Heated Cat Beds Help Outdoor Cats Survive Winter TemperaturesNot Rated Yet

Sandy Stone has published 8 articles. Article submitted on November 20, 2012. Word count: 792

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5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Harmonious Multiple Cat House

Pets can add joy to our life, but if you live with too many cats, then you could find yourself in cat hell! People who live with would have learnt about them and would know how to provide them with proper shelter.

There are millions of Americans who are recognized with rewards for having many cats. These people provide companionship, stimulation, and enrich the lives of cats. But require special care, and here are some tips to make their life sweeter with their own cat house.

Introduction of New Pets

When you bring new pets to your home, give them separate room, water, food, litter box, and toys. This will help them adjust, and then they'll start interacting with other members too. You have to get a certification from veterinarian that the pet is healthy so that you will have no problems in future.

You should continue to introduce the new pets to the old ones. This can be done by exchanging the beds, rubbing a cloth of one cat's mouth, and leaving the cloth in the other's place. When they start developing curiosity about each other, they become friendly. At this moment, supervised, short interactions can help them get along.

Free Space and Heights to be included

always need lot of space to be on their own, and get along with each other. have dominance rituals and their height would play a big role in those rituals. If you do not have trees, even top of a book shelf or top of a refrigerator will do the job. You should ensure that the are safe, and there are no breakable things in their vicinity.

Different pets show different behavior; there are some cats, which occupy different areas of house, and then there are cats, which stay in the bedrooms all the time and some others live in the living room. There are some cats, which prefer cat trees, which few don't... So, you'll have to basically understand their preferences, and act accordingly.

Litter Box

It is recommended to have at least as many litter boxes as the number of in the house, or preferably one more than that. You have to pay attention to your and understand what they love. There are cats, which do not mind sharing, while there are a few those are quite reserved.

In this case, you can keep one litter box upstairs and one more down so that they can share and play. There are some that do not like sharing. You have to watch and decide based on their behavior.

When you are purchasing a new litter box it is advisable to retain the old ones, since some may not like to go inside the new litter box right away.

Give Attention to Your Every Day

It is very easy to feed the cats, clean the litter boxes, and forget them... But, this is not enough when you really care for the life of cats. All living beings need attention and care; including cats, so it's important meet the needs of the cats, and dedicate some time towards their play time.

There are some that will stretch on your lap when you are watching TV, and you'll often come across few that live mostly in the bedroom. Ensure you spend some time with them at least before going to bed, and switching off the lights. Some would like to curl up in your arms at night. The most important thing is to know each and every cat as an individual and meet their needs.

Petar Petrov has dedicated most of his life to cats. He has written several articles about Outdoor Cat Houses, and often shares his pet-raising experiences with the other pet owners. For more details visit: http://www.cozycatfurniture.com/cat_houses.html

Pet Registration - Not a Complicated Process

It is truly essential for pet owners to register their dogs and cats. There is no charge involved in the process. Now you may think will it make a difference if your pet is registered or not? The answer would certainly depend on the basic purpose of the purpose for the registration. Our pets give us immeasurable enjoyment.

Pet registration is important for the benefit of the owner. Now you may ask why there is a need to register your pet. When you register your pet, you are in fact raising the value of your pet as owners of registered pets. It's a fact that our pets are a valuable part of our life. If registered, the pet and you, as the owner will be permanently recorded in the breed's history. Only registered pets can participate in competitions and events.

What is a microchip and how is it implanted into a cat?

A microchip is a circuit that is placed just under the skin of your pet for easy identification. This is a tiny chip, roughly like the size of a grain of rice. It is made from biocompatible materials, which means it is non-toxic. It is ensured that it will not cause an allergic reaction. The method for inserting the chip is as simple as a vaccination. The pet is not placed under anaesthesia, nor do they necessitate any recovery time. An experienced veterinarian places the chip in a hypodermic needle and injects it just under the skin. It is generally placed between the shoulder blades. The chip gets adjusted within 24 hours and this prevents the chip from moving around. Once the chip is in place, it does not wear-out or run out; as a result it should last during the life span of your pet.

Research has shown that the return rate of a micro- chipped cat returning to the shelter is 20 times higher than the comeback rate of a cat that enters with no identifying information. If you are looking for microchips for cats; it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of the device. This is a one-time cost however the rate varies.

You can conduct an internet survey and understand the usefulness, process and compare the rates. It is essential that you take your pet to a proficient veterinarian. It is really important to keep information accurate and up to date.

Just a small chip can ensure your peace of mind.

Give Your Cat a Comfortable Place to Play & Sit with Amazing Cat Trees

Having pets in home is always a fun for the family member's. Specially for the toddlers and the teenagers because when their parents are not at home or at work their pets acts as their friends and guardians to them. Not only they provide fully security to their children from the outsiders but also help in spending their free time at home. But taking care of a pet is really a big responsibility for its owner. Because certain pets needs some special type of care like their cages/ homes, grooming or special type of diet for their physical and emotional health . This special caring factor also applies for the domestic animals like Cats and dogs.

If you are a cats lover and you have a cat in your home then you should take extra care of your kitty. Because some times cats becomes aggressive to the outsiders and even to their owners. This is due to the poor training, fear or other factors. But if you provide them proper care like proper home, proper playing space and time then this problem can be cured easily. Because playing is one of the favourite activities of cats other than sleeping. They can play and enjoy with almost any moving object they come across. So to fulfill the needs of you cats like its natural instincts to climb and scratch, you can provide them a good cat furniture, condos or trees.

Cat trees are the best way to satisfy your cats needs. It is something by which they can play with. As we all know that the cats are the natural climbers, therefore cat trees are specially made to provide them the artificial tree to climb on. These trees provides a safer way of exercise and scratching surfaces which finally avoid the health and behaviour problems in them. It also provides a way of adventure to explore and conquer things inside the house.

If you are going to buy furniture for you cat then firstly give importance to its safety. The cat house should be safer for cats as well as to those come close to it. Some of the things which should keep in mind while choosing a cat furniture are :

Height: Cats love to climb on heights. So while choosing a cat house make sure that it is of multiple levels. You can choose up to 2-3 levels of house for them. There should be a proper entrance hole on every level of the condo, so that your cat can enjoy its playing and crawling inside the house.Safety: Make sure that the edges of the cat trees are made so clean that they will not hurt your pet.Well Balanced: Cat furniture should be well balanced, because cats like fun everytime. So make sure that when they are playing their home will not create any problem in their fun time. For that you can check its base. Buy a tree with a solid and large base with taller tree.Sufficient scratching area: Make sure that the cat tree has a sufficient scratching area because scratching is the another inborn instinct of cats. And this actions of cats keeps their claws clean, sharp and healthy. So consider this point also before buying a cat furniture for you kitty.Hiding spot: Cats love to play on hiding sports. So make sure that at least some of its area is enclosed so that your cat will hide in that area. Because cats belongs to a wild family who hide themselves on the tree or bushy area to save them from their predators.

So consider these few points in mind while buying a perfect house for you kitty.

Diego Patterson is a professional writer, who love to write on cats. In the present article he shares his views and points which should keep in mind while purchasing a cat furniture . Rate this Article

Give Your Cat a Comfortable Place to Play & Sit with Amazing Cat TreesNot Rated Yet

Diego Patterson has published 1 article. Article submitted on October 28, 2013. Word count: 608

Dog crate pads offer a safe and comfortable place for your pet to rest inside of or outside of her crate. A few of the greatest things about introducing a crate bed to your crate are reviewed here.

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Meow! Best Cat Accessories For Your Cat

A pet makes a family home complete. Causing less mess than a dog when it is house trained, a cat doesn't make as much noise. So that a pet is happy, there are many accessories which their owner should buy. By selecting a supplier that has a wide range of pet accessories online in Malaysia, a cat owner will have many to choose from and they won't be restricted to what they could buy. So, what should a cat owner have or consider buying?

A cat's nails can get very long. When sat on a person's lap and their claws extend, this can be painful and a cat can be pushed off. Although it is able to clean its fur, it cannot cut its nails. When an owner has a nail cutter, they can do this for them. Although a cat might be confused as to what is happening, at least their nails will be cut to a reasonable length.

Kittens and older cats love to play with toys. Along with those which have catnip, a toy that makes a noise can also be purchased. When this type of toy is bought, a cat of any age will love chasing after it.

A popular cat supply is a bowl which their food or water is put in. When a large cat bowl is purchased, it will be able to reach every bit of food. They will also be able to drink every drop of water or milk. Kittens should have a smaller bowl because their stomach cannot store a lot of food or water whereas the opposite applies for adult cats because their stomach can handle more. Both a plastic and a ceramic bowl can be purchased and, by choosing a supplier that has many such cat accessories in their catalogue, there will be plenty to pick from.

Flea treatment should be purchased for a cat. When fleas are kept under control, it won't be irritated. Its owner won't be bitten either because their home isn't infested. By purchasing flea treatment which is applied on a weekly or monthly basis, the number of fleas which it has can be maintained.

A cage can help an owner and a cat simultaneously. When it is ill and needs to be taken to a veterinarian to find out what is wrong with them, they can be safely transported there in a cage. By choosing a large cage, a cat won't get claustrophobic. Furthermore, they won't get scared either as they aren't in a small space.

Petsmore is the leading online pet store in Malaysia that offer cat accessories & cat supply, including cat food delivery to Malaysia wide. If you required this service, visit to their website to find out more! Rate this Article

Meow! Best Cat Accessories For Your CatNot Rated Yet

Alicia Tan has published 62 articles. Article submitted on September 04, 2013. Word count: 417

Holistic cat food mirrors the healthiest wild cat food in terms of nutrition, ease of absorption and balance. Holistic cat food takes the whole cat into consideration, not just his physical needs, but for those of his all important mind, too.

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The Truth On UV Pet Urine Detector Flashlights

When looking for a solution to locate pet urine stains in your house, it can be overwhelming. There are A LOT of options and brand names to choose from. Nonetheless, sadly not all are created equal.

First of all there are the fluorescent tube lamps, which can provide results, but they usually need you to be so near to the spot to be able to see it fluoresce that locating the stain is challenging to begin with.

The good news is the new breed of LED UV torches makes locating stains much easier with a more powerful and more concentrated beam of ultra violet light. Nonetheless, good LEDs are not cheap to produce particularly at the lower wavelengths which are required to make the proteins in urine stains fluoresce successfully.

You'll find a great deal of UV LED Flashlights being offered under the $20 mark which are marketed as pet urine detectors, but upon closer examination you'll typically discover that they do not discuss the UV wavelength (a number in nanometers or "nm") due to the fact that it's at the incorrect end of the spectrum nearer to actual visible light (around 390-400nm). This wavelength range can make some stains fluoresce, but it's not very good at it and typically overwhelms the already minimal stain fluorescence with bright purple visible light. Not useful at all when looking for urine stains around your home - so always keep an eye out for the real wavelength output.

The producers of these UV Flashlights occasionally use tricks such as a big amount of LEDS (occasionally as much as 51 LEDs!) as marketing techniques to make the flashlight sound impressive and as though it will have a very strong UV beam. Well, with that quantity of LEDs present it will definitely be bright, but sadly this isn't going to help if it is with the cheaper 390-400nm LEDs; the larger number merely compounds the difficulty these wavelength LEDs have in the first place because an increasing amount of visible light is output if more LEDs are added.

So exactly what's the solution?

Utilizing LEDs that output a lower ultra violet wavelength of 365-370nm is the trick. The drawback here is they are A LOT more pricey to produce and so you will be hard pushed to discover a decent UV Flashlight including these lower wavelength LEDs under $30 not to mention $20!

There are expert level UV flashlights made use of in forensic science and other expert areas, but these range in the $200+ price bracket - well above the spending plan for the average pet owner who simply wants to find some pet stains in their home.

The trick is to get a decent UV flashlight with 365-370nm which contains the correct amount of LEDs - just enough to give good results but not so many that the cost comes to be to high. UV flashlights such as this are surprisingly rare, and is why the "PeeDar" was created; to fill this gap with a quality well thought out solution which we can all afford.

A flashlight of this design will have to be used in the dark - no lights on and after sunset, but it will function very effectively and will save you wasting an awful great deal of money and irritation from either purchasing an extremely pricey expert UV flashlight or from trying one cheap UV flashlight after another expecting to obtain decent results each time.

We hope this post helps you on your path to successfully locating and removing those pet pee stains in your home!

Mike W Grzywacz Photo Mike Grzywacz is a co-founder at Urine Eradication Systems. UES have designed the PeeDar , a UV flashlight specifically designed for pet urine detection around the home. Find out more at UrineEradicationSystems.com today.

Restrict Common Parasites in Cats

There are several types of parasites that may occur to your cat and can create hazard to their health . These parasites which occur on your cat can also create a problem for your family, but if you know the ways to treat these parasites then you don't have to worry as such.

Thanks to modern technologies that now we can control these parasites with cost-effective treatments. Know the common blood sucking parasites occur in your cat and the reasons why one should prevent their attack on your cat.

Fleas and ticks:

Cats are considered as indoor animals and prefer to spend most of their time near their owners still parasites such as fleas and ticks can harm them. Skin infections, flea bites, horrible skin problems and related skin itching and inflammation is the outcome of parasites on your kitten.

These parasites suck the blood and if the excess blood loss occurs then it may lead to Anemia to your cat as well. If you want to save your kitten from deadly parasites then prevention is the best choice. Treating fleas from the body of pets is a hectic job and requires real efforts.

Thanks to flea medications such as Frontline Plus for dog which can help owners as well their pets to get rid of parasites and their complete life cycle.


Tapeworms, Heartworms and Whipworms are also common to pets. Internal parasites such as Tapeworm can occur to pets through flea bites. One has to check the cat feces to know the presence of tapeworm. Seek the help of a veterinarian to get the best results in curing the health of your pet also seeks the advice to prevent their attack on your pet. It is mandatory to prevent these problems in your pet as they might harm the health of other family members as well.

Heartworms are also a major health threat for cat which is carried by mosquitoes. It is mandatory to check for these types of problems through the vet to insure the safety of your family and little kitty.

If you want to ensure that your cat is safe from fleas and ticks then you should check for even a single flea on your kitten. Grooming is one of the techniques to ensure the safety of your pets from parasites but simple grooming won't work if you have a mass flea infestation on your cat.

Intestinal parasites

Roundworms and Hookworms though they are common in dogs still one cannot deny the presence of cats. To make sure that your kitten is safe check that through a veterinarian.

Take care of your cat and ensure better health for them. Proper preventive measures, medications, external solutions will ensure the health of your cat.

Cats & Kittens - Your Unique Pet dog Forever!

Cats are around you. You could see cats in television programs, you could find felines in movies, computer animations are controlled by feline amounts, and numerous cats informations and quotations distribute constantly. Cats are actually lovable. Cats along with the little ones locate a method to associate predicated on experience. Usually, the attributes of felines and high quality are explained by such charming kitten quotes. Surprisingly, such charming kitties with quotes deliver focus of readers and do wonders.

Why is it that audiences readily associate with feline motivational quotes? Felines are so popular and broadly tamed that it's impossible that no guy would not know everything whatsoever about cats. They wanted me to bring photos of fairly a number of kitty cats and felines on specifically the exact same day. It was a dream become a reality in my experience. I thought this endeavor was lots of fun nonetheless notably tough. Exact same holds true with several other creatures for example cats, as individuals are very variable as much as their personality, habits, suching as and disliking and abilities are included. Nonetheless, there are few methods which is often used like a felines operator that will operate enormously great for the majority of the felines. The important variables for the success for a cat's grasp is the amount of relaxation your cat feels in your business opportunity. Then you definitely have to focus on offering maximum quantity of convenience to themselves, so if you desire to possess best relationship with your puppy felines.

You can have seen that cat photos is fairly enthusiastic. It's difficult to believe that taking photos of cute cats and kittens could be really hard. Exactly what's so tricky about that form of taking images of cats and kittens? It's things which makes other types pictures testing; quick motion. Allow us talk about methods and techniques to collaborate with a couple of common issues. Cats will link the aroma into a favorable or even a bad function. If somehow, one unique aroma will certainly ask to create a protective response, it simply suggests the aroma is associated with an insane encounter while the screen with drives much emphasis and they doesn't reveal reflex response, this means the smell is associated with a positive event.

If you're photographing kitties the issue to acknowledge is the fact that you'll be capturing on film an erratic subject. It is very unique for a cat to just sit and take into consideration the camera. You have to utilize your kitty to be directed by toys without bullying or stress and anxiety. It is important to assist the kitty to end up being as tranquil as possible. A kittycat is rather hard to image. A kitty is ideal. If you truly would such as an unplanned and rewarding vibrant image after that it could be at a high quality thought to allow your kitty have some enjoyable making use of a ball of cable or toy. It's feasible for you to take a few interesting photos this suggests and wonderfully organic. It's feasible for you to take a picture of your own cat prolonging up and using toy. You could even take a picture of your very own kitty being rather passionate concerning something. These fascinating and organic and honest images work completely as opposed to the common animal picture photograph.

Air Cleaner For Cats- 4 Important Features To Have In A Purifier

For those of us who love cats, we are often able to overlook the hair, dander, and odort that they can produce. However, allowing these pollutants to accumulate can not only be unsightly, but can cause allergies and asthma to flare. Clearing the air with a purifier is an effective solution if the purifier has the following 4 features.

Carbon Filter---Thank goodness for carbon, because it is well-known for its ability to filter gaseous pollutants from the air. So if an air purifier is to be effective at removing urine smell it must have 10 to 15 pounds of activated carbon.

The added bonus of having carbon is that even though your main concern may be odor from your feline friend, carbon doesn't really care about the source of the odor. It will indiscriminately remove gases, odors, and chemicals that may be lurking in your air from everyday living such as cooking smells from last night's dinner, fragrances from personal products, and smells cleaning products emit.

Filter For Removing Ammonia---Remember when your grandmother used to clean windows with ammonia? That's because it's powerful stuff. And ammonia is one of the main components of urine. That's why cat urine can be such an eye-stinging experience.

In order for any cleaner to be able to remove this smell, it needs a carbon filter that has a considerable amount of activated carbon in it. But carbon alone can't effectively remove it completely.

An additive such as ammonasorb that is specifically designed to absorb the ammonia is what is needed. This additive has been shown to enhance carbon's ability to absorb the ammonia and return the air to your home smelling fresh and clean.

Filter For Dander---Cat dander can be mistaken for particles you sometimes see floating in your air. In fact, the dead skin flakes that your pet is constantly shedding are invisible to the human eye. These flakes are microscopic in size.

But the effect that they can have on someone who is allergic or asthmatic is huge. Constant exposure to high levels of dander can and often does cause sensitivity where there was previously none.

That's why it's important to have a filter that can remove micron size particles. A high-efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter is the best type of filter for the job because by definition, it can remove airborne particulates as small as.3 microns.

This is the type of filtration that is recommended for people with asthma and allergies, and is used by hospitals to insure clean air.

Living with a warm-blooded pet such as a cat probably means that your main concerns center around hair and dander, but HEPA filtration will also remove other well-known allergens such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses.

24 Hour Cleaning Capability---A cleaner can have the best combination of filters in the entire world, but unless it can run all the time, it will constantly be playing catch up. And for you that means your air is not consistently clean. Keeping air quality high all the time is the most effective way to minimize the effects allergens can have.

A split capacitor motor is designed to run safely and effectively for long periods of time without needing a rest. Check the technical specifications to make sure that your unit can clean continuously. Allergens don't take a break and your unit shouldn't have to either.

How to Choose the Best Food for Cats?

If you have recently just become an owner of a pet cat, you should be wary of what to give to it especially in giving him the right kind of food. Remember that they also have their own nutritional needs you need to compensate. Cats are carnivores by nature and their nutrition would mostly depend on protein sources. It is a must that they be fed in a balanced diet to avoid overweighing. Here are some tips for you to follow upon choosing your cat food

As you may have noticed cats are often fed with canned food. Too much of it could lead to dehydration. Veterinarians would recommend something else to go along with it. This is a good way to prevent urinary tract infection in the long run.

Take note of the age of your cat. If it is still too young, perhaps less than half a year old then do not ever give him cat food for the adults only. There are a lot of different kitten foods that are suitable for the young ones out there. Once the cat has reached over six months, you can make a combination of adult and kitten food.

There are some foods that don't harm the teeth of your cat. You could choose that to save your pet from different kinds of dental problems.

There are some diets also made especially for cats. Home or indoor cats don't move a lot so tendency is that they would be overweight. Ask the veterinarian for his suggestions. Check the label for m the product as

Hairball is good but don't give it every single day since it can upset the stomach. Fiber is good for constipation.

To make sure that your cat would be in a better condition it is always best that you make some varieties once in a while. When you go shopping for some cat food, choose different kinds like dry food, canned, semi-moist food, etc. Remember, too much of something is bad enough

Don't give cats milk from the cows. The digestion system isn't capable of such dairy product. Don't give leftovers as well! It is definitely a no-no to do that.

Organic food could be in for the cat food but then it doesn't mean that it's the best. You could opt to have one as well but don't let it fool you. However, you should also notice what kind of flavor your cat is enjoying.

Well making sure that it is rich in protein. If possible, avoid grains.

Here is a list of nutrition that you should consider giving to your cat:

Fat - not so muchProtein - basically their main sourceVitaminsTaurineWater - very important to avoid constipationOn the other hand, here is a list of food that you shouldn't give to your petsChocolate

Yarn threads, rubber bands, string - these are things that could look really appetizing to them. Do take care that they won't swallow it because it may result in some internal problems.

How to Keep a Cat Healthy And Happy

If you own a cat you will know what a rewarding experience it can be. This article focuses on how you can keep your cat healthy and content on a daily basis. You might find it is easier to do than you may think.

How happy is your cat? Chances are you won't need to think too hard to find out the answer. Lots of purring normally tells you your cat is content and happy. If he rolls on his back for a tummy tickle, this is also a good sign - he trusts you and is happy in your company.

Of course life with a cat as a pet is about far more than just tummy tickles. It is important to know how to keep him happy and content on a regular basis. One important part of this process is to keep an eye on him to watch for any unusual behaviour. If a cat is poorly it is difficult to tell what is wrong. After all, he can't tell you. If he suddenly stops eating his Purina foodsfor example, you know there is a reason for it. He could have a bad tooth. It might be a simple stomach upset that will clear in no time and he'll be back to his pro plan cat food again. However it is a good idea to watch for anything out of the ordinary like this, so you can get advice from your vet as soon as possible.

Another point worth thinking about is making sure your cat isn't bored. This is less likely to happen during better weather if your cat is able to go outdoors. He can spend all day running around to burn off energy, chasing after flies and enjoying the fresh air. You'll probably find he comes in to eat his Purina food in the evening before falling asleep for the rest of the night!

However if he isn't an outdoor cat you might run into problems in this case. There are times when he might end up bored and wanting to play, so it is important to have some toys around he will enjoy. Buy good quality toys so they don't hurt him in any way, and make sure you check them frequently for damage. Some of these toys are designed to make it more of a challenge to eat treats or pro plan cat foods, to slow him down when he eats. These are good fun but you should supervise him when he is playing.

Of course nothing beats playing with his owner. He will love stalking and chasing things, so try and buy a toy that has this in mind. A mouse on the end of a piece of string is a popular toy, especially if it has catnip in it. This is a great way to have some quality time with your cat, because you can both enjoy the process of playing together. Be sure you are quick though, otherwise he might pounce on you!

Nothing beats the experience of owning a cat. Part of the responsibility is to ensure he is always happy and as healthy as possible. Regular vet's visits are a good idea, but there is a lot you can do on a daily basis to help as well.

Monster Pet Supplies offers premium quality Purina foods for cats. These Purina pro plan cat foods provide cat's complete nourishment & protection. Browse more Pro Plan diets online or call them on 0113 279 7474 for details.

Cat Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

Owning a pet is not all just fun and games. Cats are one of the most affectionate and loyal pets around. A lot of responsibility comes with taking home a new pet. Just like humans, house pets get sick and need lots of love and attention. Having a housecat is not the same as owning a dog, a rabbit or any other household pet, each has to be taken care of in a particular way and each has its own common ailments. There are many cat symptoms that every pet owner should be aware of to keep their feline in tip-top shape.

If you ever hear your cat making a funny noise, listen carefully, because your pet may have a cough. It may sound cute, but it should be taken seriously. A cough may lead to a fever, difficulty in breathing and discharge from both the cat's eyes and nose. Anything from a collar that is too tight to asthma can cause a cat to cough. If the cough seems minor, it is okay to give it treatment at home. However, if your cat is having trouble breathing, is wheezing, has a loss of appetite and is visibly losing weight, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Coughs can be a sign of the following cat symptoms, heartworms, bronchitis and asthma.

Many say that cats are picky eaters. Being a choosy eater and being anorexic are two completely different things. When a pet refuses to chow down on its pet food it is usually a cause for concern, but more so when it comes to felines. Cats that do not eat can potentially cause liver damage. Some cat symptoms that can be a factor to loss of appetite are illness, new surroundings and recent vaccinations. Anytime that your cat completely refuses to eat should be a red flag. There are a few stimulants you can give to your cat to encourage it to eat but it is always best to consult a veterinarian beforehand.

Cats are not known for their minty fresh breath. However, their breath should have a tolerable aroma. If your cat seems to have bad breath or halitosis there could be a concealed medical condition. A lot of the times the bad breath may be triggered by plaque or gum disease but in some cases even a cats diet can affect the way their breath smells. However, if the odor becomes extremely foul smelling, it could be the indication of more serious health problems like problems in the mouth area, respiratory system and liver. By visiting the veterinarian, proper treatment can be given to your cat and any further concerns you have can be addressed.

Many assume that giving the veterinarian a call should be reserved for emergencies. The fact of the matter is, when you are dealing with a pet that obviously cannot tell you how it feels, it is always a good idea to be aware of the possible symptoms and signs of illnesses. Whenever you are in doubt, call the veterinarian. Never risk the health of your beloved pet.

Can Cats Eat Fruit? Information to Know Before Giving Fruit to Your Cat

Can cats eat fruit? The quick answer is yes. There are fruits that are known to be toxic to cats. Even grapes that are considered toxic to dogs are actually safe for feline consumption. Still, the Animal Poison Control Center or ASPCAA advises against giving grapes or raisins to cats. It is better to be safe than sorry after all. The reason why grapes are toxic to dogs is still unknown. The study on cats is also inclusive though no cases of grape poisoning among cats has ever been reported. But to be safe, hide the grapes away when your kitty is playing around the house. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

On seeds and kernels

Other fruits are perfectly safe for your pets. In fact, fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals and the much needed fiber. You must be careful though when it comes to pips, kernels and seeds. The seeds of apples, pears and apricots all contain cyanide which is toxic not only to cats but also to other animals including humans. Cyanide interferes with the ability of the blood to absorb oxygen. This is the reason why cyanide poisoning results in suffocation even if there is oxygen in the blood. To avoid cyanide poisoning be sure to remove the seeds, kernels and pips of fruits before you give them to your cats. If your cat like apples, for example, then it is better that you take away the whole core.

You might have heard that apricot kernels are good for the health and can even cure cancer. You must know though that too much of a good thing can be bad. Even for humans, the recommended dosage of apricot kernels is no more than six kernels per day. Because cats have a smaller liver, they can tolerate less than this number. To be safe, just avoid giving apricot kernels to your cat's altogether.

Foods that you should avoid

If there is one human food that you should never give to your pets, it is chocolate. Chocolates may be a delicious treat for humans but for pets it can be dangerous, deadly even. This is because chocolates contain a substance known as theobromine. This substance can cause hyperactivity and thirst. After several hours of ingestion in cats, the substance is known to cause vomiting and diarrhea. It can even cause a heart attack which can be fatal if not addressed immediately. Chocolates are also known to have a neurological effect on cats. Cats that have ingested chocolate have been observed to become confused afterward. So to avoid giving chocolates to your cat even as a treat. After all, cats do not need chocolate.

Because of your love to your cats, we are tempted to sometime give them some of our food. But we should realize that not all human food are safe for cats. It is better that you stick to cat food to be sure that your cat will not ingest anything that can harm its health.

Choosing The Right Food For Your Cat Through Cat Food Reviews

Pet owners of today are faced with a wide range of food types, formulas and flavors when choosing healthy choices for their cats. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to choose what type to feed for their cat. Reviews are very important in the buying process. These reviews serve as a guide towards finding not only the right but the healthiest and most nutritious your pet wants to eat.

These reviews suggest reading the labels of the pet food first to choose the right one. It should meet the nutritional guidelines for cats and should match any special health needs of your cat.

The first step is to check the label for the nutritional content and guarantee. The food manufacturer should display a nutritional guarantee that the AAFCO approves. It will guarantee that the cat food meets established minimum nutritional requirements in cats.

When in the market, it is important to buy one that is appropriate for the age of your cat. This is also referred to on the labels as 'life stage'. According to reviews, the nutritional needs of a cat alter with age.

Choose cat food that is formulated for the special health conditions of your cat if any. For instance, there are weight control formulas and adult maintenance formulas. In addition, there are formulas for cats that have diabetes, urinary tract problems and other health concerns.

Make sure to read the ingredients first on the package label before deciding to purchase any brand. The ingredients of the cat food are listed according to quantity. Ingredients derived from animals such as meat, fish, eggs or poultry are listed first. This is an indication that it is high quality. The other nutritional needs for cats should also be checked on the label. They include taurine, arginine, arachidonic acid, acetate and linoleic acid. Cat food which contains high protein level is a great choice.

You can select the food to feed your pet based on its type. There are basically three choices available namely dry, canned and semi-moist. Dry food is packaged in bags or boxes and usually used for free choice meals. This won't require refrigeration. In some instances, dry is less digestible than other types of pet food. Canned are packaged in plastic trays and are used for cats that prefer eating at set meal times. Semi-moist on the other hand comes packaged in pouches and can be fed free choice.

Pet food reviews also suggest opting food your cat likes. Cats can be picky eaters. Even if you choose the healthiest food for them, if your cat won't eat it, then it would be worthless. Choose those flavors your cat really enjoys. Some of them don't like fish but prefer lamb or beef. It is also important to accommodate the eating habits of your cat when choosing food. Some like munching on dry kibbles all day while others prefer scheduled meals made up of meaty, wet food. They might also enjoy a variety of semi-moist, dry and canned meals.

Is it Useful to Read Cat Food Reviews?

If you will look for cat food reviews online you will definitely see many reviews that are worth reading because they contain useful information. These are mostly written by pet experts who know what is good for our feline friends. All cat owners should be concerned about the food they give to their cats. There are just too many choices in the market this is why the need for a good guide is in order. There is dry, wet, organic, all-natural, etc. Without a guide, you can easily get confused. What really makes a good pet food? This article will try to answer that question and more.

Different nutritional requirements

If you notice that you your pet is showing some health problems, then maybe it is time that you pay closer attention to your cat's diet. If your cat starts vomiting, for example then you should check his vomit to see if it has food particle. If you see purely hair balls, then maybe it is only because of hair. But if you see undigested food particles then maybe it is time that you think of replacing the food you are giving to your cat, we should always be mindful of what we are giving to our cats. Sometimes, we tend to forget that they are not humans and we think that what we eat is good for them as well. It is always important to remember that cats have different nutritional requirements than humans.

Cost of cat food

More often than not, it is the cost of cat food that influences the decision of consumers. You cannot blame the people though, we live in a time when money is not that easy to come by. Every cent counts. And we want to make the most out of our income. What many fail to realize though is that getting cheap pet food may cost more money in the long run. This is because cheap health food can cause health problems that may lead pet owners to incur medical expenses. It is better to spend on expensive pet food now than to spend on medicines in the future. When it comes to choosing pet food, you should always consider the health of your cat first. Everything else should be secondary.

Whole meats

When it comes to specific ingredients, you should choose cat food that contain whole meats. Beef, chicken, fish and lamb are just some of the good meats that are ideal for your cat. Meat is rich in protein. Your cat needs protein for it to grow properly. You should avoid cat food that contain animal byproducts. This is because animal byproducts do not contain nutrients that are useful for cats. They are used only as fillers. Yes, cats may find them tasty and filling but they do not contribute to your cat's growth and development.

Cat food reviews

It is useful to read pet meal reviews but you should choose your source well. You should choose reviews that are not biased and report only the truth about pet meal.

Cat Food Coupons for the Budget Conscious

If you have a cat then you probably know already how expensive it is to have one. You need to groom it, take it to the vet, buy cat litter and of course feed it. If you love your cat, then you only want the best for it. You will not dare feed it with table scraps or buy cheap cat food. But let's face it, times are hard. And there are other things that need attention from your budget. What you need to know is that you can actually save on cat food by using food coupons. Many cat owners are benefiting from coupons already so it is high time that you join the coupon bandwagon. Now the big question is where to get food coupons, you can try the sources mentioned below.

Cat lovers' clubs

If you are not yet a part of a cat lovers' club then you maybe it is time that you join one, there are plenty of benefits to joining a cat club. First of all, you will be able to mingle with other people who love cats. You will also be able to gain knowledge on how to properly take care of your feline companion. But do you know that cat lovers' clubs can also help you save money. Many of these clubs know a thing or two when it comes to sources of pet food coupons. In fact, some clubs even distribute coupons to their members.

Join online contests

There are many contests on the Internet. For sure you will be able to find one that is giving away pet food or at least pet food coupons. A great source when it comes to contests is Facebook. These contests are usually run by cat food manufacturers, pet shops and grocery stores. The best thing about joining contests in Facebook is that they are free. Some would just require you to "like" or to "share" information or photos. To be updated with these contests what you can do is to add pet food brands on Facebook. You can also try searching in Google and in other search engines. Speaking of the Internet there are also sites that list down different sources of pet food coupons.

Local newspapers

Many people have stopped reading actual newspapers and favor online versions instead. What you need to now is that newspapers are good sources of many different kinds of coupons including pet food coupons. All you need is the patience and the diligence to scan through pages after pages of newspaper to look for precious coupons. Apart from newspapers, you can also try magazines especially those that are devoted to cat care.

Your cat's veterinarian

Veterinarians are good sources of pet food coupons. This is because cat food manufacturers often provide vets with samples and product coupons. So the next time you visit your cat's vet, ask him if he or has any unused coupons lying around. For sure he will be more than happy to share some with a loyal customer.

5 Useful Tips to Minimize Your Cat's Scratching Habit

Something that cats love to do the most is scratching! When they go out, they scratch wooden poles, fences, trees and when they are indoors, they love to scratch carpet, sofa, wallpapers, curtains etc. It is because of these habits of cats, many of the pet owners who are already frustrated of seeing scratches all over their furniture and decor items, are considering declawing their kitties.

Removing Those Dangerous Claws!

It is important to know that removals of claws is an extremely procedure for cats; not to mention an unfair one. It is their nature to scratch and for your convenience, you should not really try to change them. These kinds of procedures not only cause physical but also psychological trauma to the cats.

Why Do Cats Scratch A Lot?

In order to find a solution for this problem, you should first try to understand why your kitty likes scratching so much. People believe that by scratching, the cats sharpen and clean their claws. And, that's not entirely true; it is also one of their ways of marking territories or leaving marks on surfaces.

Besides marking her own territory, sharpening and cleaning her claws, for cats scratching is also a great physical exercise. It normally includes climbing, balancing and stretching. These activities are very important for a health survival of cats. That is why it is not a good to declaw your or punish her every time she scratches.

Give Them Scratching Posts

A better option would be to purchase a scratching post and teach her about how to use it. It will take a few days, but gradually your would realize that playing and scratching with the posts is more fun than ruining your decor or home furniture. You should try different kinds of tricks to draw your cat's attention to these posts.

As a owner, you should know that cats enjoy playing so consider buying a post with dangling toys; toys would be even better. If the post doesn't come with such attachments, consider adding a couple of them yourself.

This way, the will quickly understand the perks of fooling around near the scratching post. Make sure that the post you've purchased is big enough and sturdy. Cats do not enjoy scratching things that are not stable as they don't help them in proper scratching.

Try Other Furniture like Scratching Tree or Just a Condo

Besides the normal posts, you can also purchase other furniture items like inclined scratchers, condos, gyms, trees etc. These items can be easily purchased online or at some local pet furniture store. They will give hours of fun and entertainment to your beloved kitty. Such furniture come with a number of features like perches, sisal poles, comfortable beds, toys, and many other attractive features.

Before You Buy!

Before paying for a scratcher, make sure its size is right for placing it at some spacious location inside your house and the color and model of the scratching post goes with the feel of your houses' interior. Remember that cats are very tidy animals and hate being around dirty things, leave alone playing with them. So make sure the post or other furniture are regularly cleaned and well maintained.

Petar Petrov owns an online retail shop of furniture for different needs of cats. Through his blogs, Petar also shares tips and insights about how to take care of the cats and kitties and their different needs, and educates the owners how to purchase Cat Scratching Posts, and condos etc. For more details visit: http://www.cozycatfurniture.com/cat_scratching_posts.html

How to Welcome a New Cat into Your Home

Are you about to introduce a new cat into your family home? If you are it is a good idea to make sure you are prepared. This article will help ensure you are, and the introduction is a happy one for both you and your cat.

While many people consider getting a kitten, other people give a home to a cat. This could be a stray cat or an abandoned cat that is looking for a new home. If you find yourself with an opportunity to adopt a cat you would do well to ensure you are prepared to welcome them into your home.

The first thing to remember is that the cat may have had bad experiences with other owners prior to coming to you. Don't expect too much from the cat to begin with, but let it know it has a home and that it doesn't need to feel scared.

Oftentimes it is best to bring the cat into your home in a carrier and just to open the door and let it come out in its own time. It can also be a good idea to restrict its movements to just one or two rooms initially. He will soon want to come out and explore, but giving him the run of the house might be too much to cope with to begin with.

Make sure you are prepared in other ways as well. For example you should buy some cat bowls for water and food, and invest in good quality food such as Purina cat food too. Purina en cat food is well balanced and will ensure your new addition is on a good diet from the beginning of his life with you.

Some cats will be very brave and affectionate right from the word go. He might creep out of his cat carrier, explore the room he is in and then hop on your lap and go to sleep until you get up to feed him some Purina cat food. This is a good sign and it means he is settling into his new surroundings. Don't worry if it doesn't happen straightaway though; it could take a while for him to settle down and trust you. This is especially the case if he has come from a bad home and distrusts humans.

The good news is he will likely respond to your good treatment of him over time. Cats are very independent but they will be happy in homes where they feel safe and loved. With Purina en cat foodat mealtimes, toys to play with and a garden to explore, your cat will be happy to settle into your home for a long time to come.

All cats have their own unique characters, and while some are quiet and relaxed, others are nosy and incredibly affectionate. Your cat will have his own little character that will start to become known over time. Get to know him as he gets to know you, and your relationship will develop in ways you may not have expected. Perhaps he will come and tell you when he is hungry, or when he wants attention. Perhaps he will always want to sleep on your lap. It's true in the end that cats own us, rather than the other way around!

The Cat's Meow - An In-Depth Investigation

I would most certainly describe myself as a "cat person". I live with two beautiful kitties that are very energetic. When the rainy weather starts, my cats spend a lot of time indoors and don't get a lot of activity. I was looking around for a toy that they would like playing with, but was also a little more interactive, so that they would not get tired or bored of it quickly.

Searching through several toys and treats, I settled on the Cat's Meow. This cool new toy has been a great addition to the toy box, and my cats love playing with it almost every day.

What is the Cat's Meow?

If you have yet to see the advertisements, this new kitty toy is a disc shaped sheet with a motor unit in the center that drives a wand around in a circle. The wand running under the nylon sheet simulates a mouse scurrying under a carpet, appealing to a cat's natural instinct to chase prey.

The motor will change directions and speeds at random, so that your cat will never know which way to turn or where it will go next. This will keep kitty entertained for a lot longer as it seems that the toy is alive and actively trying to get away.

Assembly and Quality of Materials

When I first received my order, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wouldn't take more than a couple minutes to have the Cat's Meow up and running. After fitting in the 3 AA batteries that run the motor the toy was ready to go.

I was a little skeptical about the nylon fabric of the main sheet, but it seems that I was wring to assume that it would be torn apart easily. After three months of almost daily use, the nylon is still in pretty good shape, despite my cats best efforts to rip it apart.

The motor unit is strong and fairly quiet, and has not lost any of its power over the past few months, which I was very happy to note. I have gone through a lot of similar toys because they just seem to break down and stop working after a few weeks.


The only problem I can really think of is the length of the battery life. I will admit that the Cat's Meow gets a lot of action at our house, and is used almost daily. The first set of batteries that I used wore out after about two weeks, when I noticed that the little wand wasn't getting away from my cats anymore.

I now use rechargeable batteries, because it just seems like a more cost effective method than buying replacements every month, and its better for the environment as well.

Feline Enjoyability

Probably the most important question, will kitty like it?

I know that my cats have had a great time playing with the Cat's Meow, and have not gotten tired of it even after three months. When the weather starts to get wet outside I know that this toy will be even more popular than it is now.

Thomas Mitchels Photo If you are interesting in learning more about the Cat's Meow toy , check out my blog and get all the information about this fun and stimulating addition to the kitty toy box.

Flea Prevention For Cats - An Anside Perspective

What is actually meant by a flea prevention for cats? A flea prevention for cats mean a side-effects free, effective and safe type of flea and tick medication option in the form of a spray or tablet or whatever that shall be able to eradicate the menace of fleas and ticks easily from the life of pet animals.

Over the years, it has been observed that most of the pet animals such as dogs and cats have been attacked by an infestation based problems called fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks are nothing but problematic and traumatic infections that are infestations such as larvae and eggs that loves to stay deep inside the skin pores or fur of the pet animals mostly dogs and cats. They do not let the pet animals enjoy their life the way they used to enjoy previously such as enjoying playing with their masters and keeping the aura of the home charged with their energetic presence.

Fleas and ticks completely derails the process of enjoyment for the pet animals as when fleas and ticks strike, the pet animals starts scratching their bodies with more intensity on hands and dogs. What's more, the condition of fleas and ticks also keeps a pet animal in gloom as they look lost, pale down and out and even starts refusing taking their once favorite food they used to simply have a great time having.

That's where opting for a flea prevention for cats for an example, becomes the first priority for pet lovers but only taking up an expensive flea medication does not mean that they are a safe and free from side-effects as most of the locally available flea prevention for cats are not free from the harsh and bad effects of other complications that could arise as possible side-effects in the form of Lyme's disease and Tapeworms. Having a side-effect in addition to fleas and ticks mean nothing but disaster for pet animals such as cats so picking up a side-effects and effective flea medication become a must.

Frontline Plus for cats could be trusted as one of the safest ever flea prevention for cats to keep away all problems of fleas and ticks as it works harshly on fleas and ticks and kicks out all infestations. What's more, it is also effective for a period of 30 days after just one.

So, what are you waiting for? Just pick up Frontlilne Plus for cats as the safe flea prevention for cats to keep the health of pet animals in pink right away!

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Flea Prevention For Cats - An Anside PerspectiveNot Rated Yet

Paul Ryan has published 86 articles. Article submitted on December 07, 2012. Word count: 426

Fleas are a nuisance for your dog, to say the least. And for you if your dog's scratching annoys you or keeps you awake. Home remedies for killing fleas can be effective in the short term, but they don't address the cause.

Written by: Madeleine Innocent

Oh no, the cat has fleas. With all the various flea treatment products on the market, I think I've finally found one that is very effective and does what it says on the tin.

Written by: Glen Talbot

Is your cat limping or reluctant to jump to all those places she used to like going? Has he stopped running, playing, or hunting? Even if your cat still seems fine, if he is getting on in years, like mine, you should be giving him Cosequin for cats to help protect against the onset of arthritis.

Written by: Caitlyn Grant

Cats with ear mites are miserable with symptoms of head shaking, itching and scratching the ears. Hundreds of these tiny bugs are invading your cat's ear canal living off the wax. A mite's life cycle is three weeks and then they start mating all over.

Written by: Kathy Dicus

Can Cats Eat Almonds? - What's Safe, What's Not to Cats?

Sometimes, because we treat our cats like members of our families, we tend to forget that it has different needs especially when it comes to nutrition. We give it food that we like without realizing that what humans find good and nutritious may be toxic to our feline friends. One of the food items that you should avoid giving to your cats is almonds. Almonds may be a delicious and healthy snack for humans but it contains substances that cats cannot tolerate. If you gave your cat's almond by accidents and in small quantities then there is no need to worry. Small amounts of almonds will not pose a significant health risk to your cat's health. So people who are asking can cats eat almonds, the following information will be useful.

Not really toxic

According to animal health experts, almonds are not really toxic to cats. This means that occasionally feeding your cats with small amounts of almonds is OK. But still, consuming almonds can still pose some health problems for your cats. One of the reasons for this is the presence of Cyanogenic Glycosides, a natural toxin, in almonds. In small amounts, this toxin is harmless. If taken in large quantities though it can cause a form of cyanide poisoning to cats. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include upset stomach and dilated pupils. In extreme cases, cyanide poisoning can lead to shock and even death.

Stomach upset

In some cases, even a small amount of almonds can cause some health problems. This is because fats contained in the nuts can cause an upset stomach among cats. If you see your cat vomiting or having lose bowel movement right after eating almonds, then it is most likely that it is suffering from an upset stomach. Consuming high amounts of fat in almonds can lead to pancreatitis.

Other ingredients

You should also watch out for almond snacks that contain ingredients that are also not suitable for cats. Some almond snacks, for example, contain high amounts of sodium. Cats should not take high amount of sodium especially without drinking sufficient amounts of water. Too much sodium in a cat's diet can cause a condition known as sodium toxicosis. This condition should not be taken lightly because in some cases it can lead to death.

Chocolate covered almond

You should also watch out for chocolate covered almond. Chocolate can be toxic to cats because it contains a substance called theobromine. You may think that you are giving your cat a treat by giving it chocolate. But the truth is you are endangering its health. This is why you should be careful of having chocolates lying around if you have a cat in the house.

More mindful

Now that you know the answer to the question, can cats eat almonds? You can now start being mindful of the food that you give to your cats. To be safe, you should stick to a proven brand of cat food.

Importance of Cat Trees

Cat owners can pamper their cats by providing them with a cat tree . These pets are similar to a tree. The surface of a pet is usually covered with an acrylic material. There are various designs of cat trees available in the market. It varies as per the customers requirement. These beautiful designs of pets match with layout and designs of your home and gives a pleasant look. It may be simple or complex but these trees are designed in a way so that you can keep your pet in a safe and a decent space.

As we know that pets feels great to scratch. This is the major problem which almost every cat owner is facing. They need to protect their couch and other furnitures from their scratches. These pet trees will take your cat's attention away from your precious furnitures. Keeping that thing in mind many designers made these furnitures so as to protect your home furnitures as well as provide your pet in a best occupied space.Apart from this scratching,pets love to climb all the time. For that these trees are the perfect solution for it. It gives your pet a natural environment with full of loving environment. Based on the previous studies, it shows that cats don't like your babies all the time. Your cat might harm your little kids also. So, to protect your babies from your cat these cat trees will play an important role. A pet tree will give them a place to go where the babies cannot reach them.

A cat tree is one of the most finest thing that you can give your pet. It will not only give them a proper shelter but also a place where they feel that this belongs to them alone. It can make your cat a perfect place to slow down so that they can feel the utmost comfort. So having all these benefits, these are the must buy for all the pet owners. These are very affordable and will surely keep your pet comfortable. They can sleep, relax and enjoy the most of these pet trees. A pet tree has many benefits for you and your pet that one can never deny to buy it. You, your kids, your furnitures and most importantly your cats will definitely love to have these This article is written by the famous pet lover Diego Patterson. In this article he is describing about the cat tree and its importance. You can provide your cat extreme comfort throught these cat trees. et trees in your home.

This article is written by the famous pet lover Diego Patterson. In this article he is describing about the cat tree and its importance. You can provide your cat extreme comfort through these cat trees. Rate this Article

Importance of Cat TreesNot Rated Yet

Diego Patterson has published 2 articles. Article submitted on November 24, 2013. Word count: 426

The most nutritious cat food is when you make up the meals yourself, from quality ingredients, adding natural supplements for an all round balanced diet. Although this may sound daunting initially, it really is very simple.

Written by: Madeleine Innocent

While feeding your cat a moist homemade cat food is the best way to go health-wise, there are times you might want to feed best dry cat food. The best dry cat food is still homemade cat food , but because it is baked in small batches with good ingredients, the quality is better.

Written by: Alice Pizae

Are you annoyed attempting to keep your cats claw trimmed and get mad at your self when you cut them to short. The Emery cat scratcher could be a better solution your attempting to find.

Written by: Terry Schierer

Food is an integral part of overall development. The composition and nutritional value of the food you serve to your pets matter a lot. Taste is something that appeals everyone, including your pets. If you own a cat, you must be aware how finicky cats can be towards food.

Written by: Daniel Gibson

Can Cats Eat Fruit? What Not to Give Your Cat?

Can cats eat fruit? The short answer to that question is yes. This may come as a surprise to you because you probably know that cats are big meat and fish eaters. After all, you will not find a fruit-flavored cat food in the market. You probably know as well that cats are not able to taste sweetness. So why would they eat fruit since most fruits are sweet. But even though they are fond of meat and seafood and they cannot taste food that are sweet, they also like the occasional fruity treat. But before you just give them any fruit, you should know that there are certain fruits that can be toxic to cats especially if they are consumed in excess.

So why do cats eat fruits?

There are many reasons why cats eat fruit. The simplest explanations that they are hungry and sometimes fruits are the only food available. This specially true with pets in the wild such as the bigger cousins of the domesticated cats like lions and tigers. The habit of these wild cats have been passed on to the smaller breeds that we commonly see in the city and in the neighborhood. So you can say that cats eat fruits out of hereditary preseason. Some experts will say some cats actually like the taste of fruits. This is especially true with fruits that are flavorful and not just sweet.

Consult your cat's vet

If you are not sure what fruits to avoid when it comes to feeding your pet, then the best thing that you can do is to consult your cat's veterinarian. You should always seek expert advice instead of just relying on the opinions of friends and other pet owners even though they are well-meaning. Another things that you should be aware of is that not all pets are the same. Not all of them have the same dietary requirements. Therefore, you should also be observant. If you think a certain kind of fruits does not suit well with your cat, then you should stop giving him that fruit.

Avoid grapes

If there is one kind of fruit that you should not give your cats it is grapes. It is not clear why grapes are toxic to cats. More studies need to be done. You should also avoid products that are made from grapes such as raisins. Grapes can be deadly to cats. They may not die immediately after consumption since the effect of grapes is cumulative. This means that the toxins get stored in their bodies until such a time that their systems will be overloaded already. So you should avoid giving grapes to your cat at all costs. You should also be careful not to have grapes lying around where your cat can easily eat them.

Apart from grapes, you should also avoid giving persimmons to your cats because they can be just as deadly as grapes. You should also avoid giving your cats acidic fruits because it can give them an upset stomach.

Flea Prevention For Cats - Unique Christmas Gifts

Few animals do not have any discomfort while having fleas whereas few cats become sanitized to flea Saliva. Highly allergic animals cause severe scratching and itching with a single fleabite. These annoying parasites cause a common illness in cats known as flea allergy dermatitis.

Keep in mind that a flea spends the majority of his life in the atmosphere and not over your feline, so it is quite difficult to find them. In fact, this is quite possible that your cat will continue to scratch deprived of having a flea on him. Diagnose your feline carefully for fleas and flea dirt. If a cat in the house contains fleas, one should assume that all household pets have fleas. In short, a single flea means that there are perhaps hundreds of fleas, eggs, larva and pupa are in your house.

A number of commercial products available for flea control include shampoos, sprays, powders, flea collars, and dips. Additional, flea prevention for pet products include oral and spot-on ticks medication.

Is your pet dog constantly scratching here and there? Then he has definitely been attacked by the pesky fleas. These nasty little buggers thrive on your pooch's blood for survival and at times also transmit diseases. Keep all your worries at bay as natural remedies are the answer for all pet lovers like you. Along with being safe, these are easily available and above all safe on your lovely canine's coat.

The topical flea medication, sprays, dips and powders are more popular. However, their effect is often temporary but is effective so give your cat some of these Unique Christmas gifts so that she could also enjoy her Christmas. Battling infection requires attacking the areas where the life stages of a flea congregate.

Treating an adult fleas and its all life cycle at a time is essential otherwise some fleas will survive and can re-infect your cat. One should also treat his yard and kennel with flea medication if the infection is severe. A vacuum cleaner could be a real help in removing the eggs and other immature stages of life. After vacuuming, vacuum up some flea powder into your vacuum bag or else through your vacuum bag out.

Otherwise, the cleaner will serve as an incubator and release more fleas in the environment. In order to avoid all these issues bring home some Unique Christmas gifts and enjoy the Christmas with your lovely cat.Along with these choices, it will be great to consult a veterinarian for the best Flea Prevention For Cats.

It is mostly found that people across the globe prefer Frontline Plus For Cats to kill fleas and ticks.

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Visit out site to know more about Generic Frontline Plus and other pet related information.

Cat Microchip Scanner - Lost Pet Can Find Their Way Home and Happily Reunited

There is a device that is essential for confirming the location of your pet. It is mandatory for all owners to get this device installed prior to any travel. This is the safest and the most effective way to keep track of your pets without any hurdles. The small computer chip; approximately the size of a grain of rice enables your cat to identify with a unique 10 digit number. Thereby, you are able to locate your lost pet anytime irrespective of tensions and worries as well. For this, the procedure is painless and most cats have no reaction when they undergo the process.

Microchips for pets are an identifying integrated circuit that is placed just under their skin. The tiny circuit is made from biocompatible materials. It is non-toxic and will not cause an allergic reaction. The method for inserting the device is easy. Your loved creature is not placed under anaesthesia, nor do they require any recovery time. A veterinarian places it by means of a hypodermic needle and injects it just under the skin, generally between the shoulder blades. It consequently bonds to the tissue usually within 24 hours. Once it's placed, it does not expire. It ideally should last for the entire life span. Cost though varies; it is but a one-time cost.

You are advised to contact a professional veterinary clinic for the insertion process. A cat microchip scanner reads the information and helps to create a happy reunion. An ID is provided which is very important. It is encoded with an identification number. This recognition number is entered into a data bank. The data bank could be national or local depending on the brand. The information captured is the pet's name, owner's name, address, and phone number.

There are companies that produce microchipped circuits. A methodical online survey is meaningful to search series of service providers that offer remarkable services well in time. In this way, you are able to understand the significance of such modern equipments. Also, you are able to explore the price list of microchipped entities in just blink of an eye. You are glad to know that light weighted microchip scanners are efficient and require low maintenance to produce desirable outcomes. In simple words, the device assures you to provide maximum protection of your lovable pets, if they get lost. This technology makes the emotional reunions possible in a distinct manner.

The Author writes about Micro-ID Ltd. He has been writing for about two years. He loves to write about pet microchip reader, microchips for pets , microchip cat flap, cat microchip scanner etc. Follow him on Twitter at @Happyshop012. Rate this Article

Cat Microchip Scanner - Lost Pet Can Find Their Way Home and Happily ReunitedNot Rated Yet

Yasmin Melo has published 6 articles. Article submitted on October 12, 2013. Word count: 400

This article looks at Sherpa Pet Carriers and the growing trend of these types of carriers for pets. Sherpa Pet Group has done a fine job with their product lines and has become a leader in the industry.

Written by: Robert Douglas Jones

College students can advertise their school spirit and dress up their pet with dog college apparel. You can dress your pooch in a variety of outfits such as sweaters, jerseys and even cheerleader dresses.

Written by: Lisa Mason

Pets needs a space of their own, particularly in the case of dogs. A dog is a naturally territorial creature and having a space that is specifically for the dog can make a new home comfortable. Finding the best large dog house for a particular.

Written by: Steven L Barnhart

Since opening a pet shop can be a really rewarding experience, you will certainly want to open it in a way that you make huge profits from it. Several decisions will have to be taken before you decide to set up your own shop.

Written by: Paul Watts

Cats & Kittens - Your Unique Pet dog Forever!

Cats are around you. You could see cats in television programs, you could find felines in movies, computer animations are controlled by feline amounts, and numerous cats informations and quotations distribute constantly. Cats are actually lovable. Cats along with the little ones locate a method to associate predicated on experience. Usually, the attributes of felines and high quality are explained by such charming kitten quotes. Surprisingly, such charming kitties with quotes deliver focus of readers and do wonders.

Why is it that audiences readily associate with feline motivational quotes? Felines are so popular and broadly tamed that it's impossible that no guy would not know everything whatsoever about cats. They wanted me to bring photos of fairly a number of kitty cats and felines on specifically the exact same day. It was a dream become a reality in my experience. I thought this endeavor was lots of fun nonetheless notably tough. Exact same holds true with several other creatures for example cats, as individuals are very variable as much as their personality, habits, suching as and disliking and abilities are included. Nonetheless, there are few methods which is often used like a felines operator that will operate enormously great for the majority of the felines. The important variables for the success for a cat's grasp is the amount of relaxation your cat feels in your business opportunity. Then you definitely have to focus on offering maximum quantity of convenience to themselves, so if you desire to possess best relationship with your puppy felines.

You can have seen that cat photos is fairly enthusiastic. It's difficult to believe that taking photos of cute cats and kittens could be really hard. Exactly what's so tricky about that form of taking images of cats and kittens? It's things which makes other types pictures testing; quick motion. Allow us talk about methods and techniques to collaborate with a couple of common issues. Cats will link the aroma into a favorable or even a bad function. If somehow, one unique aroma will certainly ask to create a protective response, it simply suggests the aroma is associated with an insane encounter while the screen with drives much emphasis and they doesn't reveal reflex response, this means the smell is associated with a positive event.

If you're photographing kitties the issue to acknowledge is the fact that you'll be capturing on film an erratic subject. It is very unique for a cat to just sit and take into consideration the camera. You have to utilize your kitty to be directed by toys without bullying or stress and anxiety. It is important to assist the kitty to end up being as tranquil as possible. A kittycat is rather hard to image. A kitty is ideal. If you truly would such as an unplanned and rewarding vibrant image after that it could be at a high quality thought to allow your kitty have some enjoyable making use of a ball of cable or toy. It's feasible for you to take a few interesting photos this suggests and wonderfully organic. It's feasible for you to take a picture of your own cat prolonging up and using toy. You could even take a picture of your very own kitty being rather passionate concerning something. These fascinating and organic and honest images work completely as opposed to the common animal picture photograph.

Flea Prevention For Cats - An Anside Perspective

What is actually meant by a flea prevention for cats? A flea prevention for cats mean a side-effects free, effective and safe type of flea and tick medication option in the form of a spray or tablet or whatever that shall be able to eradicate the menace of fleas and ticks easily from the life of pet animals.

Over the years, it has been observed that most of the pet animals such as dogs and cats have been attacked by an infestation based problems called fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks are nothing but problematic and traumatic infections that are infestations such as larvae and eggs that loves to stay deep inside the skin pores or fur of the pet animals mostly dogs and cats. They do not let the pet animals enjoy their life the way they used to enjoy previously such as enjoying playing with their masters and keeping the aura of the home charged with their energetic presence.

Fleas and ticks completely derails the process of enjoyment for the pet animals as when fleas and ticks strike, the pet animals starts scratching their bodies with more intensity on hands and dogs. What's more, the condition of fleas and ticks also keeps a pet animal in gloom as they look lost, pale down and out and even starts refusing taking their once favorite food they used to simply have a great time having.

That's where opting for a flea prevention for cats for an example, becomes the first priority for pet lovers but only taking up an expensive flea medication does not mean that they are a safe and free from side-effects as most of the locally available flea prevention for cats are not free from the harsh and bad effects of other complications that could arise as possible side-effects in the form of Lyme's disease and Tapeworms. Having a side-effect in addition to fleas and ticks mean nothing but disaster for pet animals such as cats so picking up a side-effects and effective flea medication become a must.

Frontline Plus for cats could be trusted as one of the safest ever flea prevention for cats to keep away all problems of fleas and ticks as it works harshly on fleas and ticks and kicks out all infestations. What's more, it is also effective for a period of 30 days after just one.

So, what are you waiting for? Just pick up Frontlilne Plus for cats as the safe flea prevention for cats to keep the health of pet animals in pink right away!

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Flea Prevention For Cats - An Anside PerspectiveNot Rated Yet

Paul Ryan has published 86 articles. Article submitted on December 07, 2012. Word count: 426

Fleas are a nuisance for your dog, to say the least. And for you if your dog's scratching annoys you or keeps you awake. Home remedies for killing fleas can be effective in the short term, but they don't address the cause.

Written by: Madeleine Innocent

Oh no, the cat has fleas. With all the various flea treatment products on the market, I think I've finally found one that is very effective and does what it says on the tin.

Written by: Glen Talbot

Is your cat limping or reluctant to jump to all those places she used to like going? Has he stopped running, playing, or hunting? Even if your cat still seems fine, if he is getting on in years, like mine, you should be giving him Cosequin for cats to help protect against the onset of arthritis.

Written by: Caitlyn Grant

Cats with ear mites are miserable with symptoms of head shaking, itching and scratching the ears. Hundreds of these tiny bugs are invading your cat's ear canal living off the wax. A mite's life cycle is three weeks and then they start mating all over.

Written by: Kathy Dicus