Cat symptoms you should be aware of

Owning a pet is not all just fun and games. Cats are one of the most affectionate and loyal pets around. Much of the responsibility comes with taking home a new pet. Just like people, pets get sick and need lots of love and attention. Have a resident is not the same as owning a dog, a rabbit, or any other household pets, all have to be taken care of in a certain way, and each has its own common ailments. There are many cat symptom that every pet owner should be aware to keep their feline in top form.

If you ever hear your cat makes a funny sound, listen carefully, since your pet may have a cough. It may sound sweet, but it should be taken seriously. A cough can cause a fever, difficulty breathing and emissions from both the cat's eyes and nose. Everything from a collar that is too tight to asthma can cause a cat to coughing. If the cough seems less, is it okay to give the treatment at home. However, if your cat is having difficulty breathing, wheezing, loss of appetite and is visibly losing weight, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Coughing can be a sign of the following cat symptoms, heartworms, bronchitis and asthma.

Many people say that cats are picky eaters. Being a picky eater and being anorexic is two completely different things. When a pet refuses to chow down on their pet food, it is usually a cause for concern, but more so when it comes to felines. Cats that do not eat can cause liver damage. Some cat symptoms that may be a factor to loss of appetite is disease, new surroundings and subsequent vaccinations. At any time that your cat absolutely refuses to eat should be a red flag. There are some stimulants can you give your cat to encourage it to eat but it is always best to consult with a vet beforehand.

Cats are not known for their minty fresh breath. But should their breath to have an acceptable scent. If your cat seems to have bad breath or halitosis can be a hidden disease. Many times bad breath may be triggered by plaque or gum disease but in some cases even a cats diet can affect how their breath smell. If the smell gets extremely foul smelling, it could be the indication of more serious health problems such as problems in the mouth area, respiratory system and liver. By visiting the vet, proper treatment can be given to your cat and any further concerns you may have.

Many assume that give the veterinarian a call should be reserved for emergency situations. The thing is, when you are working with a pet who clearly can't tell us what it's like, it's always a good idea to be aware of the possible symptoms and signs of disease. When in doubt, call the vet. Never risk the health of your beloved pet.

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