Heated Dogs Beds and Heated Cat Beds Can Provide Great Arthritis Relief

For any pet owner, providing a loving and comfortable environment is just one small way of returning the unconditional love and devotion our four-footed companions endlessly provide. For some of these faithful friends, as the years creep closer to old age, they can begin to show signs of achy joints and various level of discomfort associated with arthritis. Perhaps you have noticed that they are a little stiff after a nap, or that they appear to have some pain or stiffness in cold or damp weather. Whatever you have witnessed, seeing your loved one in pain breaks your heart and you simply want to provide some level of relief. Of course, your vet must be an integral part of any dog or cat's physical needs program. But in my quest to provide as much relief and comfort possible for my aging pals, I have found a few low tech tips that are particularly effective at providing relief.

Just like in humans, one of the best forms of relief for joint pain is providing warmth. You may think this sounds non-sophisticated, but it works. It is particularly important to provide warmth to your pet's body during colder temperatures or on damp days. This type of weather can cause joints to become especially stiff or swollen. The heat works to relax muscles and their spasms which are caused by the pain. Relaxed muscles relieve stress on the joints and provide overall improved joint flexibility. The heat also allows blood vessels to expand increasing circulation to the affected areas. Although a hot water bottle can be used, this is a very temporary heat source, quickly dissipating and requires constant attention. The best way to provide continual warmth is through a heated dog bed or a heated cat bed. Once your pet begins to feel the soothing warmth on his sore and painful joints, his heated pet bed will became an oasis of relief. The heated pet bed will also give your dog or cat relief from sleeping on the hard surface of the floor which tends to only aggravates the arthritic condition. Arthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints and if your pet continues to sleep on floors that are hard and cold this could actually cause the arthritis to worsen. Lastly, the soothing warmth will have a calming effect on your pet and allow for a restful sleep.

An essential part of the plan I have placed my aging pets on is nutritional supplements. Just like in humans, nutritional elements can affect the wellness of your pet's body and its ability to support joint health. The most common natural supplement recommended for the relief of arthritis in dogs and cats is glucosamine. Glucosamine is the primary glue that keeps connective tissue and bone together and may help alleviate joint pain and discomfort. It has also been reported to be useful in the prevention of arthritis. Additionally, Sea Cucumber and Shark Cartilage are both reported to be excellent sources of a host of minerals and protein that may supply the therapeutic protection for joints and the surrounding tissues our pet needs. I have given all three of these supplements to my arthritic pets and have found positive response and relief for my pets each time I have used them.

I believe one of my dog's favorite forms of relief from arthritis pain is slow and gentle massage. Slow and gentle massage is the only type of massage we should conduct ourselves. Anything more intense should be done by a professional or under instruction from your veterinarian. Massage not only provides a loving bond between you and your pet, but it loosens and relaxes the muscles which will tighten with the onset of pain. The blending of massage and a heated pet bed will definitely provide a winning combination.

Sandy Stone Photo To read more about this topic or several other pet care articles and blogs, go to Pet Crates and More . Looking for that perfect heated bed to provide warmth to your pet; visit the website of Pet Crates and More for some terrific products. With more than 20 years of management experience, Sandy Stone blended her passion for animals with her business acumen and started Pet Crates and More, a business offering products aimed at providing comfort for your pets.

How to choose the best food for cats?

If you have just recently become an owner of a pet cat, you should be careful of what to give to it especially in giving him the right kind of food. Remember that they also have their own nutritional needs, you need to compensate. Cats are carnivores by nature and their sustenance depends mostly on sources of protein. It is a must that they be fed a balanced diet to avoid overweighing. Here are some tips for you to follow on choosing your cat food

As you may have noticed the cats fed often with preserves. Too much of it can lead to dehydration. Veterinarians recommend something else to go along with it. "this is a good way to prevent urinary tract infection for the long term.

Take note of the age of your cat. If it's still too young, maybe less than half a year old then don't ever give him cat food for adults. There are quite a few different kitten foods that are appropriate for the young out there. When the cat has reached over six months, you can make a combination of adult and kitten food.

There are certain foods that do not harm the teeth of your cat. You can choose to save your pet from different types of dental problems.

There are some Diets also made especially for cats. Home or indoor cats do not move much, so the tendency is they would be obese. Ask the vet for his proposal. Check the label for m product

Hairball is good but do not give it every day because it might upset your stomach. Fiber is good for constipation.

To ensure that your cat would be in a better condition it is always best to do some varieties from time to time. When you go shopping for some cat food, select different varieties that dry food, canned, semi-moist foods, etc. Remember too much of something is bad enough

Do not give cats milk from cows. Digestion system is not able to such dairy product. Do not give the leftovers as well! It is definitely a no-no.

Organic food can be in for cat food but then it doesn't mean it is the best. You can choose to have such a good but don't let that fool you. However, you should also notice what kind of taste your cat enjoys.

Good to see that it is rich in protein. If possible, avoid grains.

Here is a list of nutrients that you should consider giving your cat:

Fat-not so muchProtein-basically their primary sourceVitaminsTaurineWater-very important to avoid constipationOn the other hand, here is a list of foods that you should not give to your petsChocolate

Yarn threads, rubber bands, string-these are things that could look really appetizing for them. take care not to swallow it because it may result in some internal problems.

Everything Owner's Need to Know About Bordetella in Cats

Dog owners are likely familiar with kennel cough. Cats can also develop a version of the disease known as feline bordetella although it is much less common. The bacteria responsible for this illness is closely related to bacteria that causes the disease in dogs and humans.

The bacteria responsible for bordetella in cats is known as Bordetella bronchiseptica. If the bacteria infects your cat, it will lead to respiratory issues. The risk of becoming infected with it also rises dramatically if your kitty has a viral infection of some sort.

Cat bordetella is highly contagious, and coughing or sneezing is enough to transmit the bacteria.. Shelters can especially experience problems since there are plenty of felines in close proximity to each other. The disease can easily pass between animals if there are multiple cats in the household. Dogs have also been known to pass the disease to cats in some cases.

Adults with feline bordetella usually don't have any trouble getting over the infection. However, kittens can be devastated by the disease and even die from it if it progresses. Signs of an infection are very similar to other upper respiratory infections such as herpes virus and calicivirus.

Despite the fact that bordetella in cats is often referred to as kennel cough, coughing isn't quite as common with felines as it is with dogs battling the disease. Most cats will experience discharge from the nose and sneezing. Discharge may also come from the eyes. Other possible signs of the condition include depression, loss of appetite, and fever.

Cat bordetella doesn't always lead to noticeable signs. Your feline may simply be a carrier of the disease. Carriers don't display signs, but are capable of passing the disease on to other animals.

As mentioned, the signs of feline bordetella are quite similar to other respiratory infections. Simply taking a look at your cat won't be enough to make a proper diagnosis of this condition. That's why the veterinarian will need to rule those other possibilities out. A swab of the nose will need to be done.

Kittens with the disease will likely need to be provided with supportive care. Antibiotics are the main way that bordetella in felines is treated. Since there are various types of antibiotics, the vet needs to choose which specific one he thinks will be most effective.

Owners should know that there is a vaccination to protect against feline bordetella. It is usually best to get your cat vaccinated against the disease even if he or she is an adult. At the very least, you should discuss your options with your vet.

Hopefully, you're aware that there are many different conditions that can affect your cat such as ringworm in cats . Learning about these conditions will help you get your cat treated quickly in case he does fall ill. To learn about a range of cat health problems , head on over to common-cat-diseases.com today.

How an effective flea prevention for cats work?

Frontline Plus for cats

Frontline Plus is very effective flea prevention for cats. It is used to Kill fleas in all its stages and works against the dead ticks. There are different kinds of fleas and each of them is more common in some regions. It is difficult to identify the type of dog fleas by a pet owner but with an effective medication such as frontline Plus, you don't have to worry about his pet.

Frontline Plus Flea prevention for cats is helpful in killing the whole family f fleas and ticks. In just 24 hours of the application effectively kills all frontline Plus Flea and ticks. As a result, the pets instant relief from itching and scratching. This medicine give immediate results.

Frontline Plus has two powerful ingredients. one of them is fipronil kill adult fleas and ticks by attacking their central nervous system. This makes the fleas, ticks off and they can't move. Application of medication to prevent ticks from jumping and thus they do not infect other sites. The second ingredient in flea prevention for cats is S-Methoprene. This ingredient kills eggs and larvae of all types of fleas. When these two ingredients mix, giving it a balanced effect in killing these little pests.

This flea prevention for cats is a powerful medicine and comes with an instruction to use it properly. It is very important to apply this medicine properly, otherwise, it will not Show the desired results. One has to part the dog's fur with her fingers after taking medicine at the tip of your finger. The medication is applied to the dog's skin and not on the coat. You have to wait three days before grooming pet.

Some precautions when flea prevention for cats

Children must not touch the medicine; They must not apply it on pets.Make sure the pet is made of worn-out veterinary cone after any medication. This is done so that the pet is not able to lick himself.

Wash hands thoroughly after applying this flea prevention for cats.

There is most to people all over the world prefer the Frontline Plus for cats to kill fleas and ticks. Visit the home page to know more about generic frontline plus and other pet related information. HTML source EditorWord Wrap

Information Dog Owners Should Know Regarding Endocrine Alopecia in Felines

There are many reasons why cats can experience problems with hair loss. A relatively rare reason for this to occur is because of feline endocrine alopecia. Vets don't exactly know why this rare skin condition occurs.

Whenever it does develop though, your cat's hair will start thinning. Various areas of the body will be affected by hair loss. You may notice that these areas appear to be the same on both sides of the body. Two areas that are most often affected include the rear legs and abdominal region.

Certain other medical conditions can mimic the signs caused by feline endocrine alopecia. To see if your cat is really suffering from this condition, the vet will have to rule out other possible causes of the hair loss first. Parasites and conditions like ringworm can cause similar signs.

In order to make a diagnosis of endocrine alopecia in cats, vets typically look at a sample of hairs under a microscope. Doing so can help determine at what stage of their growth the hair were broken. Skin scrapings around the affected area can also help determine what's causing hair loss in your cat. Fungal infections like ringworm can easily cause signs.

A blood sample may also be in order if your vet suspects feline endocrine alopecia to be the problem. The sample won't be tested in the office though. A laboratory will need to inspect it to see how the endocrine system is functioning as far as hormones go.

As mentioned earlier, vets don't know why cat endocrine alopecia develops. Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, or thyroid hormone are some of the leading suspects though. Cats with the condition may need to start a regimen of hormone therapy to deal with it.

Cats that are eating foods that they're allergic to may experience spontaneous hair loss. Therefore, you may need to start your cat on a food trial to see if it helps relieve the signs. You may need to start feeding your cat a different type of food.

Sometimes, feline endocrine alopecia is treated with medications that are designed to grow the hair back. This isn't always the preferred method of treatment in cats though. These medications can lead to serious side effects in some felines. They can be toxic to the liver over time and also cause cardiac problems.

Cats may even develop other conditions like diabetes mellitus after taking these medications. Some even experience changes in their behavior.

It is vital that cat owners be aware that their feline can be affected by many different conditions such as feline chlamydia . Learning this information will help you recognize signs of disease quickly. To learn about some of these feline diseases , click over to common-cat-diseases.com today.

Cat symptoms you should be aware of

Owning a pet is not all just fun and games. Cats are one of the most affectionate and loyal pets around. Much of the responsibility comes with taking home a new pet. Just like people, pets get sick and need lots of love and attention. Has a domestic cat is not the same as owning a dog, a rabbit, or any other household pets, all have to be taken care of in a certain way, and each has its own common ailments. There are many cat symptom that every pet owner should be aware to keep their feline in top form.

If you ever hear your cat makes a funny sound, listen carefully, since your pet may have a cough. It may sound sweet, but it should be taken seriously. A cough can cause a fever, difficulty breathing and discharge from both the cat's eyes and nose. Everything from a collar that is too tight to asthma can cause a cat to coughing. If the cough seems less, is it okay to give the treatment at home. However, if your cat is having difficulty breathing, wheezing, a loss of appetite and is visibly losing weight, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Coughing can be a sign of the following cat symptoms, heartworms, bronchitis and asthma.

Many people say that cats are picky eaters. Being a picky eater and being anorexic is two completely different things. When a pet refuses to chow down on their pet food, it is usually a cause for concern, but more so when it comes to felines. Cats that do not eat can cause liver damage. Some cat symptoms that may be a factor to loss of appetite is disease, new surroundings and subsequent vaccinations. At any time that your cat absolutely refuses to eat should be a red flag. There are some stimulant which you can give your cat to encourage it to eat but it is always best to consult with a vet beforehand.

Cats are not known for their minty fresh breath. But should their breath to have an acceptable scent. If your cat seems to have bad breath or halitosis can be a hidden disease. Many times bad breath may be triggered by plaque or gum disease but in some cases even a cats diet can affect how their breath smell. If the smell gets extremely foul smelling, it could be the indication of more serious health problems such as problems in the mouth area, the respiratory tract and the liver. By visiting the vet, proper treatment can be given to your cat and any further concerns you have can be managed.

Many assume that give the veterinarian a call should be reserved for emergency situations. The thing is, when you are working with a pet who clearly can't tell us what it's like, it's always good to be aware of the possible symptoms and signs of disease. When in doubt, call the vet. Never risk the health of your beloved pet.

A Look at Lymphoma in Cats

Lymphoma in cats is also commonly referred to as feline lymphosarcoma. This type of cancer affects one of the immune system's most important cells, the lymphocytes. These cells are found all over the body, so a range of organs can be affected including the kidneys, skin, gastrointestinal system, and bone marrow to name a few.

Cats infected with the leukemia virus are known to develop feline lymphoma sometimes. This normally occurs with younger felines. Older cats can also develop the condition, but the cancer isn't usually brought on by the leukemia virus with them.

As you have already learned, lymphosarcoma in cats can affect virtually any body part. The specific areas that are affected will determine what symptoms your cat experiences. Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of weight and appetite are common signs when the digestive system is affected. If the chest and lymph nodes are affected, then felines will typically have a hard time breathing.

The kidneys are commonly affected to, bringing on signs such as appetite loss and increased urination and thirst. Some cats are unfortunate enough to have problems with the spine, which usually results in weakness and paralysis in some cases.

To diagnose feline lymphoma, the vet will need to examine a sample of the affected cells under a microscope or perform a biopsy. Since so many different organs can possibly be affected, a slew of tests will likely need to be performed too. Some of the tests that your cat may need to undergo include an x-ray, ultrasound, urinalysis, and complete blood count. Vets may also test for the leukemia or immunodeficiency virus since they commonly occur with this disease.

Lymphoma in cats tends to be fatal, at least over time. Chemotherapy is the main method of treatment for cat lymphoma. Radiation is also a treatment option, although it's typically reserved for certain types of this cancer.

Cats will almost certainly die if treatment isn't provided. They can have an increased life span with a significant remission time with appropriate treatment, especially if major organs aren't affected. The best prognosis is provided for cats with gastrointestinal, nasal, or chest problems.

Unfortunately though, not all felines respond to chemotherapy treatment. It is very expensive too. That's why owners will usually have a major decision to make. Chemotherapy usually produces noticeable results within two to three weeks. If your cat doesn't respond by that time, then you may want to discuss euthanization with your vet.

As an owner, it's important that you know about various health problems like enteritis in cats that can affect your furry friend. In case your cat does fall ill, knowing about these different conditions will help you recognize it quickly. To learn about some of these cat diseases , click over to common-cat-diseases.com today.

Health of Your Pet - Rhinotracheitis in Felines

The herpes virus causes many problems for your cat, with one of them being the development of rhinotracheitis. This condition mainly causes upper respiratory infections in your cat, and can also lead to eye problems like conjunctivitis.

Feline rhinotracheitis is mainly a problem for young kittens. However, young ones can harbor the virus for years without showing an outward signs in the meantime. Cats that are infected with the leukemia or immunodeficiency viruses have a major risk of being infected with this one. If your cat frequently displays signs of this condition, then it may be a sign that something more serious is wrong.

The virus that causes rhinotracheitis in cats doesn't prompt symptoms right away. The incubation period, the time in which cats don't display signs, typically lasts for a few days up to a couple of weeks. This can prove problematic for households with multiple cats, since felines can infect others despite not showing signs themselves.

The signs of feline rhinotracheitis are quite similar to those of other upper respiratory infections. Cats will start coughing, sneezing, and producing discharge from their nose. The nasal lining and the eyelid lining may also become inflamed. The former is referred to as rhinitis, while the later is called conjunctivitis.

Cats commonly have a fever while battling this condition too. Others will lose their appetite until they start feeling a little better. Rhinotracheitis in felines can cause cats to display just a few of these symptoms or all of them at once.

There isn't an exact testing method to diagnose feline rhinotracheitis. Your vet will simply need to look at the signs that your cat is displaying while taking his medical history into account. It isn't always easy to identify this condition accurately.

Even if rhinotracheitis in cats were diagnosed, there is no way for vets to treat your cat. The disease usually runs its course after a week or so. In the meantime, supportive measures can be provided for your pet.

Since cats with rhinotracheitis have nasal discharge that can make it difficult to breathe, nasal decongestants are usually provided. Keeping your cat in a room with a humidifier or vaporizer going will also help him breathe better. Owners need to wipe away secretions from the eyes and nose to help minimize the risk of their cats getting reinfected.

Once feline rhinotracheitis compromises the immune system, secondary bacterial infections can easily set in. Your cat may need to take antibiotics to keep these infections from causing additional problems.

This condition is highly contagious. If you have one cat that has been infected, it's best to keep him away from other felines for a while. If not, you will likely be dealing with multiple sick cats at once.

There is a vaccine to protect against feline rhinotracheitis. However, it doesn't always keep cats from being infected entirely. Those that have been vaccinated though likely won't experience serious stages of the disease.

Hopefully, you're aware that there are many different conditions that can affect your cat such as feline bordetella . Learning this information will help you recognize signs of disease quickly. To learn about some of these cat health problems , click over to common-cat-diseases.com today.

Are Cats Smart or Dumb?

Love them or hate them cats are just hard to ignore. I love cats, but I have often wondered about just how smart they really are? For that reason I've collected a few videos of cats and their reactions to things! So you be the judge and tell me what you think!

Over the years, I've read, or heard so many different things about whether our friends are smart or clever and now I have a few words for you folks. Probably most of would say that cats are not smart because unlike dogs they aren't obedient, won't do tricks, and won't come when they are called. But, that's not a reason to call them stupid, as cats only do things when they want.

Yep, that's the thing with cats! They seems to do what they want and when they want. So if we love them enough and treat them right, maybe then they will be more willing to cooperate with us.

Anyway here are some videos of cats doing "clever things" and not so "clever things".

Meet the white cat that goes nuts after seeing its reflection in the mirror! This kitty is so popular at the moment that over the last few days it got more than 500,000 views on the Internet! It appears to me as if the angry white kitty has an imaginary conversation with his white, fluffy foe. And judging by the sounds it seems like they are having a pretty tense conversation.

Anyway, it would be better for you to avoid any contact with the white crazy cat as one can only imagine what would happen if the cat gets mad at you! Yep, it's that serious! Or this kitty here. Now, this is a way funnier situation! This cat gets totally confused after a dog shows up on the screen while his owner plays the video game 'Assassin's Creed' 3.

At first the cat seems so calm and peaceful while its owner is playing Assassin's Creed, but that comes to end as soon as it sees dogs on the screen! It flips out and starts searching the dogs behind the TV screen, because they show up and then they walk off the screen! But unfortunately for the cat, there are no dogs to be found behind the big TV screen! And that goes on and on.

Nonetheless, just like people, some cats are clever, some are not!

Emilija S Photo Hey, guys! I'm Emilija, the blogger who helps you keep up with the latest happenings in the world of entertainment. Be it a funny video, picture, or meme in the viral-logy section, I'm here to blog about the most trending topics at the moment. My humble beginnings in creative writing lead back to high-school (when I was some kind of a wanna-be writer), but the real introduction to creative writing and penmanship I got at college. Then, after four years of studying English Language and Literature (from Chaucer to Shakespeare; from Virginia Woolf to George Orwell), I finally had a chance to express myself and blog. It's been a year and a half how I treat Jokeroo blog readers to some informative, witty and laughable articles. It's undenying truth that I'm young in both age and craft, but sure I have the enthusiasm of a child when it comes to blogging, all for your amusement.

Why Do Cats Like To Sleep So Much

One thing is for sure: cats know how to sleep. And they sleep a lot. However, so far nobody knows why they sleep so much, but you gotta admit that they are the most adorable creatures when asleep.

As they choose the weirdest place to sleep. Either on top of a dog or in a pot. You name a place and they are there :)

Well, it's a known fact that cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators and that probably has an effect on their sleeping pattern. Their diet may also play an important role. Since they are on protein rich diet that doesn't take them a lot of time of the day, they have plenty of time to sleep.

And sometimes all they do is sleep, since they don't have things to do. Of course this applies for indoor cats. But there is always something you can find for your cat to do and stay awake and entertained.

While newborn cats, well they sleep most of the time, but believe it or not this actually keeps them safe. As they don't attract attention and by that I mean, they don't attract predators.

As for the cats in the wild, well they are constantly on alert in order to survive.

While indoor cats are sleeping, they are still active and ready to go into action. And you can see that as all cats while sleeping have their ears rotating and as soon as they hear a noise or sense that someone is coming they open their eyes to check out the situation and if safe they go back to sleep again.

And as I've already said at the beginning cats sleep basically anywhere. At the table, on a top of a piano, on the edge, anywhere.

As long as it safe and comfortable enough for it to stretch that body. :) For example when it's cold it tries to find a shaded place where it can stretch out. While during the cool winter days a cat will try to find a place warm enough, like warm sunshine or next to a heat source.

Another interesting fact is that cats like to sleep in their owners' beds. And people who use this method actually benefit from it, as it strengthens the human-feline bond and let's not forget all the warmth and the comfort your cat gives you.

And one last thing. Cats dream, too. But, unfortunately for now we can only guess what they dream about.

By Emilija Spirkoska

Emilija Spirkoska Photo Hey, guys! I'm Emilija, the blogger who helps you keep up with the latest happenings in the world of entertainment. Be it a funny video, picture, or meme in the viral-logy section, I'm here to blog about the most trending topics at the moment. My humble beginnings in creative writing lead back to high-school (when I was some kind of a wanna-be writer), but the real introduction to creative writing and penmanship I got at college. Then, after four years of studying English Language and Literature (from Chaucer to Shakespeare; from Virginia Woolf to George Orwell), I finally had a chance to express myself and blog. It's been a year and a half how I treat Jokeroo blog readers to some informative, witty and laughable articles. It's undenying truth that I'm young in both age and craft, but sure I have the enthusiasm of a child when it comes to blogging, all for your amusement.

Owner's Guide to Cat Tapeworms

There are many parasites that can give cats problems. Feline tapeworms are some of the most common. These white worms are capable of growing approximately eight inches long if they live long enough. Thanks to the suckers and hooks that Mother Nature equipped them with, they're capable of attaching themselves to the walls of the small intestine of your cat.

Cats typically don't experience many problems if they're infested with just a few of them. However, tapeworms in cats can cause serious problems as their numbers increase. They will keep your feline from getting the proper nutrition from their food, eventually causing them to shed pounds. Their fur will also undergo changes, becoming rough and dull.

To understand how feline tapeworms infect cats, you first need to understand a bit about their life cycle. As you know, fleas can easily infect your cat. Sometimes, fleas will harbor cysticercoids, which are formed when flea larvae eat tapeworm eggs. If your cat bites at an area infested with infected fleas, he may end up swallowing one.

After eating an infected flea, the small intestine will break it down and leave the cysticercoids to develop into adult cat tapeworms. This is when they will attach themselves to the small intestine walls and sustain themselves with the nutrients that your cat is supposed to get from his food.

Feline tapeworms are segmented. As they grow, segments will break off and pass out of the body through the feces. Owners who inspect their cat's feces will likely notice them. They look like small grains of rice that are moving around. Some of these segments may also appear around the anus.

Your vet can determine if your cat has tapeworms quite easily. He will simply have to take a look at a sample of your cat's feces under a microscope. They aren't always easy to see via the naked eye.

Fortunately, tapeworms in cats are usually easy to deal with. You will need to give your cat dewormer medication in order to get rid of them. One cycle of this medication may not be enough to get rid of the infestation entirely though.

Parasites such as fleas and lice play a vital role in the transmission of feline tapeworms. Therefore, owners need to do their best to control these parasites so that their cat doesn't get infested with worms. Limiting the amount of time that your cat spends outside roaming around will help. Giving him dewormer medication on a regular basis will also be useful.

As an owner, it's important that you know about various health problems like endocrine alopecia in felines that can affect your furry friend. In case your cat does fall ill, knowing about these different conditions will help you recognize it quickly. To learn about a range of cat health problems , head on over to common-cat-diseases.com today.

Remove Cat Urine Smell And Stains From Your Carpet Quickly And Inexpensively

It can be stressful and time intensive looking for ways on how to get cat urine smell out of carpet. The odor in some homes I've been in have literally brought tears to my eyes! Not to mention leaving an ugly stain.

Plus it can be a really big pain requiring you to spend money and buy different cleaning products you do not have any idea if it will work.

After learning what works and what doesn't from working in my own pet service business for many years, here's what I do to inexpensively, but successfully, to get rid of cat urine smell plus spots from my personal clients carpet.

It's so simple and easy and requires just two or three actions to accomplish.

Cleaning Up New Cat Urine Stains Out Of Carpet

Step 1 - For any new stains on your carpet, you first need to absorb as much of the urine as you possibly can using newspapers or paper towels. Press straight down on them to get rid of as much fluid as is possible.

Make sure you position the paper towel or newspaper below the carpeting in the event the urine has soaked into the carpet padding.

Use as much newspapers or paper towels as required so that the stain is hardly damp.

Step 2 - Begin using fresh water to clean the spot. Perform the procedure again till the stains have disappeared. Quick and easy!

Step 3 - (You can use this final step if you would like to be certain all traces of cat urine is gone) - Use an enzyme cleaning agent, which is a product that will literally eat all odor producing bacteria, on the area. This will make certain any cat urine residue still left in the spot is eliminated. In addition, the smell is going to be removed by using this process. You can find and buy an enzyme cleaner at most local stores or on the internet.

Clean-up Those Dried Cat Urine Marks Within Your Carpeting

It will require a bit more work to successfully eliminate older marks which sometimes have set in. You most likely need to get all of them out because your pet companion possess a remarkable sense of smell and might want to go to the bathroom on the same place repeatedly if it can smell its urine there.

Step 1 - Utilizing a carpet cleaning machine, remove any chemical products in addition to cleaners you may have used to remove the stains before on the carpet.

Just use clean water inside the carpet cleaning machine because of the fact that any kind of chemical products can reduce the ability of the enzymatic cleaner (which you'll use next) at getting rid of the stain.

Avoid the use of too much water on the stain, simply because you do not want to increase the risk of the stain going into the padding beneath the carpeting!

Step 2 - Clean the stain by using an enzymatic product until the stain is no longer visible.

Step 3 - Once the cat urine stains has been visibly removed, utilize a black light flashlight in order to guarantee every last bit of cat urine is fully gone. The black light makes all indications of urine glow a purple color. It's amazing what this little device can show you that your naked eye cannot see!

If you do discover some traces of urine still left, re-apply the cleaning solution to remove it.

By getting rid of every single cat urine spot, and above all the smells out of the carpet, you'll considerably lessen the possibility of your cat urinating directly on those same spots for a second time.

Heated cat beds help outdoor cat survive winter temperatures

Cold weather can be difficult for even the healthiest of pets. Prolonged exposure call for a cat can result in frost bite, hypothermia, and possibly even death. It also reduces the load on the body caused by prolonged exposure to the cold desire the life expectancy of a cat living in the wild. Some people are fooled into thinking that just because a cat has a thick coat, they will be safe from the impact of prolonged cold. But their fur is simply not enough to keep them warm enough in the winter temperatures. The General best practice is to just keep your cat inside during the winter. However, if the situation is such that the cat you are trying to protect is completely off, here are some suggestions and methods that help.

Dry, warm protection is of the utmost importance. If a man were left outside in the cold to survive for an extended period of time, one of the first things he would have to find to survive be dry, warm shelter. The same applies to a cat trying to survive cold temperatures. Giving the cat a full-time access to a garage, shed or barn is a good start. If this is not possible than providing an insulated Cat House is placed in a nook from weather elements is another good option. The House should be small in size, i.e., just big enough for maybe two to three cats to go in and turn. Small helps to preserve body heat. Parliament should also make use of insulation with a high r-value tacked onto the walls, ceilings and floors. It is suggested that the Interior seams of the House also be sealed so that no moisture finds its way in the door of the House. should be oriented from elements such as wind, rain, snow and sleet. A clear path should always be kept in order to avoid the cat becomes potentially snow-bound.

But whatever protection that you choose to give, the cat must also be provided with plenty of litter to stay warm. A thick bed of Cedar chips or straw can be enough. Blankets and towels are definitely not recommended because once they are wet. they become cold and very difficult to dry. The best option for outdoor protection facilities regardless of whether there is a garage, covered porch, barn, shed or cat House, heated outdoor cat bed. These beds are made of soft PVC and do not absorb water, which always provides comfortable warmth even in below freezing temperatures. They also use very low power and is effective. A heated cat bed can not only give you some peace of mind, but it will get your Kitty's favorite place, knowing that it will have the warmth and comfort from the harsh winter temperatures. It will be their refuge, their rescue from an inhospitable temperature environment.

Provide and maintain much water. A constant supply of fresh, unfrozen water is very important to minimize the risk of dehydration. . Water source should be protected from the elements, or heated to prevent freezing. Low power heated bowls work great as a solution to make some unfrozen water is always available. As a lower-budget option, you can use spray foam insulation on the underside of a deep plastic water bowl. This will help to slow the freezing process, but will not eliminate it. So make sure that the hot water is placed in the Bowl regularly.

Give plenty of food. As with any physical body, whether it is people or animals, high levels of calories burned bodies just to keep warm. So make sure a good range of nutritious food is given. Cats that spend time outside simply need more to eat. It is also important to feed on a regular schedule. Your cat will expect the food and Therefore food awaits will spend less time in the cold. In the ideal case, you can provide your cat with a simple feeding station that includes a roof and sides so that your cat will be protected from the elements while they eat dinner.

Cats need protection from the hazards of winter temperatures. Of course, keep your cat indoors always the safest and most effective way to promote good health. But if your cat will have prolonged exposure to cold, it is imperative that such protection and a constant source of heat which is best provided by a heated pet bed. Keep in mind that if the weather is too cold for you to conveniently spend much time outside, then it's probably too cold for your cat, too.

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The Way To Cure Cat Constipation

Which causes the area begin trying to treatment your cat constipation you need to ensure that this is actually what the problem is. Constipation is the complicated or infrequent passage of stool. Most cat constipation work towards a regular routine. If you have noticed that your cat constipation hasn't gone in a week then he may possibly be constipated.

However, if she has recently been through any traumatic event, or his litter box has been changed then that may be the reason why he wasn't going regularly.

The most common cause of cat constipation is usually dehydration. If your cat constipation will be fed dry food, then you need to ensure that there is always fresh water intended for them.

If they consume wet food, then they get a lot of their water from his or her food, so you do not need to worry about this as often. In an older cat constipation it would be because the muscles inside stomach are getting damaged.

There are two main things you must do to help treatment your cat constipation The foremost is to switch him to your high fiber diet. You're able to do this by switching to your high fiber version of you cat constipation food (most brand names offer this), or you'll be ready giving him high fiber treats as being a supplement.

The other thing you're able to do is give the kitten a laxative. Please only give your cat laxatives that happen to be formulated for a kitten. They are made in a different way than ones for individuals. There are two kinds of cat constipation laxatives available.

You will discover bulk forming laxatives in addition to simple laxatives. If the constipation is mild, then you can wish to try the bulk-forming laxative. This will always make the stool softer and ensure it is easier for your cat make use of the bathroom. For an all-natural solution try wheat bran or perhaps pumpkin. These options works extremely well regularly if needed.

Simple laxatives are a little more powerful and are ideal for infrequent stools. These are certainly not for regular use though, as they can be rough around the cat's tummy if used too often. Two popular examples on Cat-Lax and Laxatone.

If your cat is constipated, please take care of it whenever you possibly can. If you may not, he can suffer via fecal impaction. This signifies that the feces was left within the intestines for too lengthy.

Cat Constipation

It grows hard in addition to forms a blockage. Components of feces may come out there around it looking similar to diarrhea. If you think this can be the problem ones cat has then bring him for the vet ASAP.

Natural Strategies To Handle Feline Constipation

The thought of feline constipation was not merely one that I had have you ever heard of until we received a cat that experienced it almost 24 months ago. Initially we thought he was having trouble urinating. He would go in to his litter box at all hours without going to bathroom.

Our veterinarian told people that feline constipation is really fairly common, but that is certainly misdiagnosed many times by means of cat owners since urinary problems are far more common and talked about over feline constipation problems.

Feline constipation is more regular in cats that are 8 years of age and older, but cats and kittens of any age may experience feline constipation. The typically bowel movement schedule for cats is one or two bowel movements every day time. Some cats go about than this.

However, can be a cat has not received a bowel movement in three or higher days it can show a feline constipation issue. It can cause serious injury to a cat experiencing feline constipation or else treatment is done in order to cure the constipation. Both medical and natural options can be purchased to treat feline constipation.

We found a simple cure for our kitty by mixing canned pumpkin (high in fiber) along with his food and he was regular within a day. We also stopped providing him dry cat food for awhile considering that the water in wet cat food may help for cats experiencing feline constipation.

Set up water gas stops throughout your house so your cat can conveniently get to water. We found that will putting water in his favorite spots, such because sunny, bay window, worked well best. We also researched herbal treatments for feline constipation, but he would not have to take any because he improved with those few basic changes.

cat constipation

It is imperative you get your pet help for feline constipation as soon as he begins to experience it to keep him healthy. Ask your veterinarian for ideas how to alleviate feline constipation.

Should you prefer natural remedies, there are natural cures for feline constipation that one could try to help manage his bowel movements and eradicate his feline constipation.

Treating Cat Constipation

cat constipation is a serious issue that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Although the disease is with greater regularity seen in older cat constipation it does not make younger ones any safer.

Underneath normal circumstances, a cat constipation which is constipated can be absolutely cured. In any situation, if you feel that a cat constipation is having trouble in elimination on a regular basis, please take it to some vet to confirm ones doubts.

The vet may put your constipated cat constipation with a dose of laxatives. Though you are able to purchase these laxatives over-the-counter, it is probably more advisable to consult a vet before administering them on the pet. This will assist you to avoid any nasty side-effects.

It's also sensible to check the diet of your respective cat. Constipation may happen in case your cat constipation is only getting fed solids. It is essential that your kitty never goes lacking water. Place its water bowl in a place that is free of obstacles, and can end up being easily accessed. Keep a watch on it and anytime the bowl is vacant, fill it up having fresh water.

It is also recommended to add fiber in to your cat's diet. Yet another thing to try is to be able to feed your cat with tuna that is certainly packed in oil. In the case of any doubt, do not hesitate to go to a vet.

Milk is also believed to be a good cure for constipation. Let your constipated cat have some milk in small quantities.

Generally, cats are not efficient at digesting milk that serves to not want to give too much of it. Mix some pumpkin with the cat food as the fruit is additionally good for a constipated pet.

Cat owners can even atart exercising . oat bran in his or her canned cat food. Quite often, half a teaspoonful connected with oat bran would be enough. If you are seeking to feed Metamucil to ones cat, make sure which you mix it with pet foods.

The dosage can vary greatly between a quarter teaspoon and another teaspoon. However, if the constipation trouble persists and turns for being more serious, then surgery could become the only option.

 Cat Constipation

In complicated cases, vets may also require the help of a biopsy or colonoscopy to be able to have a complete medical diagnosis. If your kitty is too dehydrated, it is possible that the vet would put her on drips.

I hope that the above suggestions will help you overcome your cat constipation problems.